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Everything posted by BronCobraJet

  1. Pauly is right, and if you look now, you can still get vise grips made in Nebraska on E-Bay. Once those are gone that is it, except for garage sales. BpS12 - it's not all the Americans fault. Look at tariffs and taxes between the countries. I understand what you are saying, but our hands are tied. So you are saying Americans should be paid 25 cents a day to make tools and live in a tar paper shack and shit in a hole in the ground? And then not be given a tariff like the Chinese impose on our stuff to make it incomparable? (even though the quality isn't). Whatever. Your call. I don't want to li
  2. Saw this on the news (Fox News) the other day, where you can get an app showing dwi and speed checkpoints. It seems as though the police have learned about it, it will be shut down.
  3. I got to see Andre the Giant, live, in Houston. He was an immense, huge man. I miss G.L.O.W., as dorky as it sounds, I miss the Russian chick. She was hot!
  4. On my USAS-12, it was ok to own if you bought it before Congress ruling went into effect. You have to register it with the BATF and your local police force, by providing them a copy of your finger prints and a photo ID. I am under the impression that I cannot dispose of it or sell it or give it away to any person unless they have a class 3 license. You can buy sell one later with a class 3 license. Maybe a stamp/background check? not sure. You would think, if they allowed you one DD, that you would have unlimited access to grenades, and dynomite, and other DD's. I sincerely doubt that, lol.
  5. Hey all, seen a lot of buzz about replacing the factory polymer with a SS guide rod on Glocks. Good deal, needed, or just hype? Thanks for all replies.
  6. On my USAS-12, it was ok to own if you bought it before Congress ruling went into effect. You have to register it with the BATF and your local police force, by providing them a copy of your finger prints and a photo ID. I am under the impression that I cannot dispose of it or sell it or give it away to any person unless they have a class 3 license. You can buy sell one later with a class 3 license. Maybe a stamp/background check? not sure. You would think, if they allowed you one DD, that you would have unlimited access to grenades, and dynomite, and other DD's. I sincerely doubt that, lol.
  7. North Hollywood bank robbers would have looked silly with a ten round cap., all bundled up like they were. Police didn't have the means to engage them, at the time. They learned there lesson. I think that was the tipping point for police.
  8. My 6th grade teacher, Mr Wendelin. He was probably the most instrumental person in my life at that time. other than that Jay Novacek. he was Q-Back and I was center in school, from 9th grade up. his dad was the coach. Mr. Wendelin is still around and means a whole lot more to me. I really respect the man. I don't fawn on or worship idols. They have absolutely nothing to do with the real world.
  9. Is it big enough to hold long guns? Hard to tell from the pic. Looks sturdy!
  10. I'm calling for any help I can get here. A local farmer, Scott McPheeters, who is a board member of KAAPA Ethanol (a farmer owned ethanol plant here in NE) is given front page news paper space saying "Ethanol helps, not hurts, consumers". We all know this is BS and an all out lie. If any one could help, I would like to write up a rebuttal to his story. I have read where gas companies get 45 cents per gallon of ethanol to blend it in with their mix. What I need, is anyone who has facts on water usage to produce corn, fuel to sow, fertilize and harvest corn, and what the actual end results are,
  11. Wide grip - ie, double stack mag pistols help? I can't hold and shoot a 1911 for anything, but a glock fits me and hits the targets.
  12. There was an article in Car and Driver mag on these, the guy that builds and sells them is in TX. One person ordered his with a stripper pole. No Joke. These are bad ass mud swamp machines. $340.000 if I recall, without extras. he's sold quite a few so far.
  13. True. That was what I did the first day I got my Saiga. However it took me an hour or so to put the cover back on. Just my clumsiness, or there is something wrong with the sloppy quality control Once you get the hang of the cover, it shouldn't take but 5 seconds at the most. Practice, practice, practice! lol.
  14. I put a Romainian wire folding stock, meant for the AK47 on my S-12, with a standard grenade launcher recoil pad, and it does not bother me at all anymore. It cut recoil by 50% or more (just my guess) The first time I shot my s-12, I had shoulder bruises from stock form after about 100 rounds. After putting on the wire stock, I shot 345 rounds of 00Buck in one setting with no problem, no bruising, and the shoulder felt fine the next day. It looks ugly, but it works for me. No cutting of the tang - it bolted right up.
  15. I work in transportation, engineer for a RR. It's cool, because every time I go to work, it's with a different person. 99.9% are really cool people I work with, and all are professional. You really get to know people when you spend that much time with them in an enclosed area. I'm not stuck in an office with the same people everyday. The run I make is mostly rural, and it is cool seeing the different changes through the seasons, lot's of wildlife and stuff. I hate being away from home, but it's like a weekend off every time I am at home. I voted love it. I couldn't think of ever going back to
  16. The link I saw said the original dog hit died from it's injuries, eventually and that the good samaritan dog escaped into the wilds. I hit a pit bull type of dog on my way home one day (there were 2 of them) and he spun around on his back and limped across the hiway. I followed him to the trailer house he went to and pounded on the door and blasted the fucking owner for not giving a shit about their animals. It really upset me. The owner not so much. Some people shouldn't have kids, and some shouldn't have animals. Some, both. (most shouldn't have either in the people I've seen).
  17. A few years ago, on my RR route, there was a duck that was hit and killed by a train. It laid dead in the middle of two tracks. It's mate stayed with the dead duck for about a month. It was always sad coming up to the spot. Seeing the mate standing or sitting next to the dead body.
  18. Has anyone noticed the lack of violence and looting? These people are a class act. my heart goes out to them. We should all take a lesson here.
  19. You admit on a public forum that youare an ass hat Gee officer, I didn't mean to shoot him, I only wanted to stab him, and then you ask for leiniency? How fucking retarded are you? Why should you get special treatment, are you Simple Jack or something? You complain about police bothering you, yet you openly admit you were speeding? Do you need a speciel ED class along with the regular one?What is your beef asshole? People like you piss me off. You somehow think you are above the law when you openly admit speeding. YOU are whats the trouble in America today. Oh it's all about you. I was only go
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