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Everything posted by saigafan12345

  1. The NRA is a bunch of Fudds. The NY branch of the NRA did absolutely jack shit to prevent pistol permits, changes to the permit system, they don't fight the AWB. If Heston really meant "from my cold dead hands" he'd have been holding an AR or an AK, not a damn muzzleloader :-P If anything, the GOA is the org you really want to join. At least they care about gun rights beyond being able to own a bolt-action rifle for hunting. Much agreed, the NRA hasn't done shit for us in NJ either. It's funny how they pay so much attention to places that already have gun rights, not the ones wh
  2. If there was a new AWB passed the Saiga would be banned. It's banned by name in that recent AWB that was struck down in committee.
  3. Remember that B.H. Obama voted more than once to charge citizens in Illinois with manslaughter for defending themselves from intruders in their own homes with legally purchased firearms. He also supported the DC handgun ban before the Supreme Court struck it down. King Barry clearly opposes the idea of a free and armed populace. Citizens are much more difficult to turn into mere subjects if they're armed. Every 20th century tyrant disarmed the people as one of his first acts, before moving on to the atrocities they committed. Obama's following their playbook, as he longs to become a
  4. Try here: http://www.vsp.state.va.us/Firearms.shtm
  5. How about we worry about the flow of wetbacks into our country, mooching off my tax dollars.
  6. I was asked to leave Zombiehunters within the first day just for my signature. Wasn't even given a choice to change it. I even bought a shirt.... G&A moderators will outright troll you. i.e. someone reposts an e-mail in the political section that's flat out bull (obama says everyone must wear 1 article of red clothing every day starting next week), you reply and say hey sorry guys but its a fake heres the real link then the mods straight up call you a fool, nancy boy, lib, etc. and upon reply you are banned.
  7. the mods on this site are awesome. if you wanna see a REALLY bad climate, check out the gunsandammomag.com forums. wow.
  8. NJ you can only own and transport hollowpoints, can't carry them. So, how many people actually have a valid NJ CCW license anyway? Unless you donated a lot of :dollar: to Jonny Corzine's political war chest (and even then, very doubtful you will obtain one). There are roughly 3,000 people in NJ with a CCW out of a population of 9 million, it's extremely rare. Almost all of us permit holders work either in security or are retired law enforcement and the permits are restricted to work only for those not retired LEO. I've never met someone not retired LEO/security with a C
  9. wow man, awesome job, that's a beatiful set of furniture. you have talent.
  10. To be honest, the main thing stopping me from doing the real conversion is NJ's law. Avtomat Kalashnikov type firearms are banned by name. And furthermore it says: 2. Any firearm manufactured under any designation, which is substantially identical to any of the firearms listed in paragraph 1 above. As used in this definition, the term "substantial" means pertaining to the substance, matter, material or essence of a thing and the term "identical" means exactly the same. Hence, a firearm is substantially identical to another only if it is identical in all material, essential respects
  11. Yeah, I know the feeling man. The gun shop around here has a ten port indoor range. All weekend long you've got all ten ports booked up, a line around the back of the range and at one point people were waiting in line to get in the line. A dozen people are waiting outside before it opens to get in and shoot. Makes you wonder where the hell all these people were all these years that various states/fed have been passing law after law. They should have cared earlier!
  12. You get that label because you said that anyone that listens to Rush, ie, conservatives, are 'retarded hillbilly's'. You don't have to like the guy but to call anyone who enjoys listening to him that....... I'll be glad to stop calling his listeners that when I find a dedicated fan of his that isn't a retarded hillbilly who repeats his garbage 24/7 as if it's gospel.
  13. Oh, you mean I misread the topic title? Huh. As much as I hate to continue this, I will, because I will correct inaccuracies like the sine function makes waves; it's a reflex, I can't help it. Bounce doesn't argue against liberals here on this board, because there are none. Bounce has this liberal boogyman caricature in his head that he uses as something to polarize himself against. I find nothing wrong with that; it's good to have a clear sense of identity. My problem is when he projects this caricature onto people who very clearly don't fit the bill like me and a few others here. In
  14. " Indeed, police recruit training spends 60 hours on firearms compared to 90 hours on judo, and another 90 on kendo (fencing with sticks). (The number of hours that Japanese police recruits do spend on firearms training is larger than what most of their American counterparts receive; that the Japanese are so thoroughly instructed in a weapon which they are expected to use in only the rarest of circumstances testifies to the highly cautious approach of the Japanese police towards firearms.) " Really good article, by the way. Reader's Digest version: Japan's unique history, cultures, and con
  15. Fun fact about Al Gore - he loves to tell everyone about global warming but refuses to debate anyone. There's a "speakers series" touring various venues across the country currently, all sorts of political pundits paired up, Al Gore refused to attend unless he could be the only one on stage during his segment and take no questions. What happened, Al, afraid someone might call you out on your BS?
  16. Ummhmm and I can fly and make people combust just by thinking about it. You're so clever.
  17. Not really an english professor, it just sucks reading his drivel and having to scroll through five screens of one-liners that could be a paragraph or two. Lay off the damn enter key buddy.
  18. Yeah, arguing with you got boring. I'd love to teach you how to type paragraphs sometime though.
  19. They were all conservatives, yet they rebelled. And that's where I stopped reading this very predictable piece of Limbaugh garbage. The founding fathers would be just as disgusted with the republicans and conservatives as they would with the liberals and the democrats.
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