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PVT Pablo

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Status Updates posted by PVT Pablo

  1. Back from CG Boot. What a long 2 months. Feels good to be part of something though.

    1. SergeK


      Best friend just finished CG OCS.

    2. kdbutler


      Welcome back, Guardian! Semper Paratus.

    3. bernerz


      Cape May is an interesting place, especially the soil there. I was given the opportunity to view it up close many times...

  2. See ya'll later S-12 forum members. Be back in Two months. Off to basic training!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. raleighsaiga
    3. gregomega
    4. self_inflicted


      Enjoy it man, looking back basic was a blast, enjoy it!

  3. Yeah! Ride along with the local PD this weekend!

  4. Officially sworn in to the U.S. Coast Guard! Leave for BC in one month.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PVT Pablo

      PVT Pablo

      Training is 8 weeks at Cape May, NJ. I'm super happy I picked the CG, I'm sure I won't regret it.

    3. YARP


      good luck! What your "job" when your done with basic?

    4. PVT Pablo

      PVT Pablo

      Thanks YARP. Well the CG isn't doing guarenteed rates (jobs) anymore, so I won't know for a while. I plan to be a Maritime LE Specialist.

  5. Wow, who actually knows their selective service number off the top of their head? I need it and the website is down. Thank you U.S. Gov't.

    1. YOT


      Wow, I used to. I think I forgot it when I turned 42.


    2. locolobo1234


      Hmm, when I enlisted in the Army 23 years ago. I thought it was your SSN.

  6. UGH! I hate it when I go to a range and let someone shoot my ak. Then they ride the bolt all the way forward and then it jams. Pull it back it let it go dumbass!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. paprotective


      they think its an AR and needs an 'assist' LOL

    3. YARP


      There afraid they'll break it...HA!

    4. BigChongus


      People do the same thing to me, even after I tell them to "just let it fly".

  7. Ah, hot soup, hot buttered rum, and my new draco on the chair next to me, excellent.

  8. Why do women insist on telling you "its over" before work?? Now I've got to be in a shitty mood for 7 hours.

    1. jbrubaker


      At least you have Halo Reach to come home to?

    2. Azrial


      A. They like to be dramatic.

      B. They like to have their say and have you leave. Most hate long debates. You have my best wishes in this matter.

  9. Halo Reach in 7 hours for me!

    1. VaiFanatic90


      You're going to the launch? I thought about it, but decided not to.

    2. PVT Pablo

      PVT Pablo

      Ive gone to the launch of halo 2, 3, call of duty MW:2, and now Halo Reach. Some say I might be addicted...

    3. VaiFanatic90


      I'll be going for Fallout: New Vegas.

  10. I finally got a job! Now I can finish my S12, and buy more gun ware... great day!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mav


      It is relieving isn't it

    3. Paulyski


      Congrats bro.

      I've found the way to get ahead is to do all the jobs that everyone else acts too good to do & do them well, with a good attitude.

    4. PVT Pablo

      PVT Pablo

      Thanks Guys. It will be nice to work again, especially since I put my heart and soul into what I do, no matter the job.

  11. If I won a Million Dollars, I would buy a house with a gun room, then fill it full of guns!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Paulyski


      Which one... He has 2.

    3. PVT Pablo

      PVT Pablo

      haha um... either. I think my all time dream is to shoot one of those.

    4. Casp


      That guy had something like ten or twelve fullauto BARs, what the hell would make you think he'd own a *non-functional* flame thrower?

  12. Glock 36, come unto me!

  13. When is my damn PSL gonna get here??

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