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About bernerz

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/11/1969

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  1. Still on occasionally. converted a 7.62 just recently. Probably last of the saigas I’ll be able to own. Other options are available but I miss the days of the $200 7.62 and 12 guage.
  2. Occasionally pop in. Just converted my 7.62 last spring, so much valuable information on this site. The McUzi days were something else.
  3. If you are doing target only, there is the ruger charger, 10/22, lots of aftermarket options for triggers, barrels, and magazines.
  4. Lots of options on trigger groups. Volquartsen has quite a history. Kidd also does an exceptional trigger group. I ended up going with the Timney. Crisp, clean break. One issue potentially withe the Timney though is the extended magazine release, some stocks will bind up on it. Keep us posted on the build!
  5. I'm not a lawyer but unless you are specifically part of an nfa trust to which the sbr is owned, no touchy.
  6. This was what I found. http://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9.41.190 What I take from that is you can now legally own an sbr, but you can't build one, can't loan it to anyone, still have to pay the fed tax stamp and application paperwork. Still can't have full auto or an sbs.
  7. Put a Kidd barrel on my charger, that thing is more accurate than I will ever be.
  8. I love mine. Shoots anything I load it with. Great shooting and reliable, go for it!
  9. Been on the forum for a while. I didn't see this mentioned recently but I have seen a several books where characters are using Saigas. The Monster Hunters International series by Larry Correia is one. I just started another series by John Ringo called Under a Graveyard Sky which also has characters using Saigas. Anyone know of any others?
  10. Kind of ironic that $300 was about what I paid for my s12 years ago. At the time I would have never anticipated what the market would do.
  11. I would also suggest looking at the Ruger. I have an sr22, shoots everything I put thru it. A lot easier to clean than my old mark II. Revolver is the reliable. If you want something really accurate in a semi auto, consider the Ruger Charger. The 10/22 action is one of the best, in pistol form, it's a hoot!
  12. Nice to see quality producers and innovators finding success. As an owner of some of your products, I will continue to look to your company for future purchases.
  13. That's a nasty bimaleolar fracture. Most of the ones I've seen like that were from motorcycle accidents.
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