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Everything posted by thebuns1

  1. I guess I'm gay. Lol. I noticed that shark after seeing the tits. Lol only after I zoomed in with my phone.
  2. Its a loophole. If they're here illegally, what makes them think they will have proper documentation proving such?
  3. It does look like its cozy to carry. But doesn't look like I would enjoy shooting it. Plus its ugly as fuck. Niether was the AR for a long time.
  4. What do you think tha 4473 is? Its exactly firearm regisgration. Why should we fill one out if it dont get saved into some form of database. Its all bullshit, and yes the feds have a list of gun owners. If anyone thinks otherwise, then they are just as stupid as the morons that voted for obama.
  5. This generation has gone to the shitter. Its only going to get worse with all the pussification, and enabling going on with not only the feds, but with stupid ass parents pampering these kids. My generation isn't great either, but I'm far different from most my age. I guess it pays to grow up are folks much older than me.
  6. Thanks. Yeah, I thought of that too. Im going to have to ditch the 7rd mag though and pick up a few of the 8's. They make the gun so much more ergonomic. I plan on shooting it tomorrow after work and giving it a work out.
  7. You need to let it flash. That means you spray it on and you can see the wetness kinda rapidly dry. You get the same result with clear coats and if you dont let it flash off and dry, even a flat paint will come out with the same result as you got if you dont let it sit a bit before you keep going. You also have orange peel. I would test the water a bit on some cardboard or other items before you do it over. Some paints can take different distances to obtain the same results.
  8. I was in the market for a slim line 9mm to be a backup for my G30. I gave up on Glock releasing a single stack 9mm, and really dont want a .380. I got a good deal on this and was wanting to give them a try for some time now, so I'll see how it goes. Its a Smith & Wesson M&P9 shield. About the only thing I dont like at the moment is the trigger. The Xd I fucked with had a really nice trigger, but was ugly. The new ruger, well its just that. A ruger. And I didnt want to pick up a G26, as I wanted something as slim as I can get for my backup piece. So I ended up with this. T
  9. Follow through. Don't rush. Breathe easy. Practice. Rinse and repeat as needed.
  10. The V12 will do everything the S12 will, and be better finished, and don't weigh much more at all, and will be in its proper configuration from the get go.
  11. Just buy the 500 for the 75. Fuck the maverick. That 500 will be a steal in itself IMO. Just make sure you check the bolt, bolt carrier, interrupter, shell stop and elevator. Those are the only parts that will rust other than the barrel and mag tube. A good function test should do. Get some pics. I want to see it if you get it. But then again, both for 150 aint bad.
  12. I've seen the field models go for around 280 new. I love Mossbergs. The barrel will be vented most likely, so a heat shield won't fit. Its definitely going to need cleaned. Avoid the maverick. The action arms and tube are shit compared to a real 500. Furniture can be replaced. I'd have to see it to determine if I'd pay it for that. But at least shoot it if you can.
  13. Lets hope so. Something tells me that they will try it anyway. Nothing they have done lately has been exactly legal the last few years.
  14. When dems control the white house, senate and house, we get shit like obummercare. Lets just hope that the newly elected repubs have the balls to try and repeal it. But then there's the filibuster and flat out veto by Obama. Hard to say what will happen.
  15. Dependents vote for dependency. The real shame is that it was even wrote as a piece of potential legislation, then passed.
  16. That wiki page is an abridged layman's overview of a very complicated and dynamic system. Otherwise known as a bullshit skim over. Its the same quarter truth crap that were were fed in history class, written by the same people who wrote the textbooks. Anything with wiki, I look at the sources and dates. Sometimes they are spot on, others not so much.
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