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Well it happened to me.


They say its a recession when your neighbor looses his job,

and a depression when you loose yours.


Not looking forward to a job search in this economy and I hate unemployment, but it may be an option.

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Well it happened to me.


They say its a recession when your neighbor looses his job,

and a depression when you loose yours.


Not looking forward to a job search in this economy and I hate unemployment, but it may be an option.


I feel for ya buddy. My unemployment just ran out. I thought I had a job but it doesn't seem like it's going to pan out so it's boots to the pavement for me. :(

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Gas Giant, that SUCKS! Esp. if you happened to like your job. I got "laid off" from a job in the early '90s, but it was more like the Bruce Springsteen song where the foreman says these jobs aren't coming back. I DID however get a better paying job with a lifestyle that better fits me. (I'm on call 24/7 - no set hours). One thing from experience I can offer is don't sit around having a pity party. Get your butt motivated and keep after it. Keep a routine up for mental health/sanity and make getting back to work priority #1. If you go on unemployment and wait until the benefits run out to start looking for work I can guarantee it will be a recipe for disaster. Maybe take a week off to reassess your personal life, but that's ALL! lol. Good Luck.

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If you go on unemployment and wait until the benefits run out to start looking for work I can guarantee it will be a recipe for disaster. Maybe take a week off to reassess your personal life, but that's ALL! lol. Good Luck.


You have to turn in at least 2 places a week where you've applied for a job to get unemployment, at least where I live.

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Gas Giant I am sorry to hear this bad news.


I agree with BronCobraJet, don't let it get you down for long. Grieve for a bit, then get after finding a new job, or a new career. Don't forget your health and when you need cheering up, or to vent, or for us to poke good natured fun at you to distract you and change your mood, we are here.




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dang that sucks GG, i just joined the army right before this crap had hit hard, and i would tell you to try joining some branch of the military, but even the military is cutting back... but i hope you find a job, if you look diligently you will find something.

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Sorry to hear that. Lots of us in the same boat.

I'm an IT guy that had a great job but was outsourced years ago.


I've been working part-time for the last 5 years, but now my hours

are really falling, all of our customers are cutting back on IT spending.


I'm considering many things at this point.... HVAC, truck driving, etc.


You're reminding me that I need to quit goofing off and get back to

the job hunt. That and posting more household junk on E-bay. :)


Good luck!

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Sorry to hear that, man. That sucks.




I know this is a long shot, but where are you located? The company I work for (I work in the warehouse) is doing the exact opposite of most companies.......they're hiring MORE people. They are actually giving us a $500 incentive for getting people to apply for jobs in the warehouse. $100 for them getting the job and completing orientation. $200 for them completing 6 months on the job, and another $200 for them completing another 6 months.


Like I said, I'm sure it's a long shot, and you're nowhere near me, but if you are, I'd love to help you out, and I would even give you the $500.




Good luck in the job search. Snatch up anything you can find, to pay the bills, and keep looking for something better while you work there.

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Thanks everyone for the encouragement and good thoughts.


This was the 5th round of lay-offs, about 10 - 20 people in each layoff (5% - 10%), lucky I made it this long.


-22 shooter, thanks, I am in Columbus, OH, will look into that.

-MDW Never have done electrical before, but I am willing to try new ides.

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I had this issue last year, lost my job went on unemployment. After 6 months finally got a lead on some work, went to apply, jumped thru all the hoops and barrels. Only to be told I didn't pass a corporate credit check, because my credit rating had fallen because I was out of work, well duh! I was out of work. Fricken catch22.


Good luck GG, hope you find something soon. Nad always keep a postive outlook.




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Sorry to hear about this, make sure you get some support from friends and your church if you have one, something like this can make a man depressed and thats not good.


I do think however that it is a matter of time before most of us lose our jobs. I suscribe to the belief that a complete economic collapse is emminent.


Now would be a great time to read patriots by James Rawles. :rolleyes:

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I feel for you GasGiant and I hope that G-d willing you get a good job soon. I've been in your shoes numerous times and it's hard for an engineer to get back to engineering once you are away for a while. Unemployment is not fun at all, it sucks and is more stressful than the most stressful job. At least when you work in the stressful job you get a paycheck.


The good jobs are disappearing and I have to drive a school bus making one fifth of what I used to make. The government drove the good jobs out of this country by taxing and regulating businesses to death. It's easier for the greedy multi-national corporations to purchase goods in China and India then sell them here instead of making them here and paying good wages. I spoke to someone at GE Aircraft Engines where they call the CFR the Code of Federal Strangulation.

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Hang in there man, you will get through this. I don't know if you would want to do this but, my uncle and aunt earned their CDL's about 8 or so months ago after they were laid off from their jobs at a construction firm and have been driving tractor -trailers as a team since. They are employees (not owner operators) and on the road A LOT. They were in town for the 4th and I spoke to my uncle about how he liked his job. He said he really liked the money ( He said they are on track for a 12month combined income from 110 to 130k) , but when the economy recovers and he can get back into construction management he will. The road is wearing on him and he misses his free time, but he understands that he is fortunate and will keep doing it as long as it takes. He is running into many other drivers that were in a similar situation as him ( and from a very diverse array of different former careers) and found that trucking may be their calling.

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If you go on unemployment and wait until the benefits run out to start looking for work I can guarantee it will be a recipe for disaster. Maybe take a week off to reassess your personal life, but that's ALL! lol. Good Luck.


You have to turn in at least 2 places a week where you've applied for a job to get unemployment, at least where I live.

All I had to be to satisfy that requirement was to call them and ask if they were hiring, when they said "no" I was able to check the box. This was in the late 80's - early 90s. I got my ass bit bad when income tax time came around and found I was responsible for the taxes though. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a freeloader or lazy. I'm a 100% "no lay off/no miss work" guy. It seems like the best job referalls you might get would be from friends or family members. You might have to be willing to relocate where the jobs actually are. I had to go from the beautiful South back up North. I miss the South! lol.

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