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Is your BHO installed? Did you remove it?

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From reading on here I seen that people are having issues with their BHO somtimes jamming. I ordered an S12 offline and mine seems to be coming with a BHO installed. Im kind of on the fence about removing it, due to the horror stories I hear. I was going to reprofile my bolt so I can load an full mag, I may just send it to Steelin'. Im doing my own conversion, so Im going to have the internals out anyway.


Is the BHO worth it? If not how did you remove it

Edited by MrOneEyedBoh
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It was worth it to me until it flew out when re-assembling the FCG last night and its crappy little spring flew away for ever.


It is worth it at the range when they call a cease fire so you can follow the rules and hold the bold open. There are also safeties(I think?) that will hold the bolt open.


It does help when you are inspecting the firearm and it really is handy, I just realized I'm going to miss mine.


ETA: Found the cat playing with it in another room about an hour ago and promptly stuck it back in (about 15 min, think I'm going to go pro!). On my .308 it is harder to install the BHO spring as I have added a spring on the left side of the trigger pivot/axis/thing that holds FCG together (proper name anybody? axis pin?) that pushes the whole trigger to the right. The reason for this is due to the fact that the Tapco G2 has some left/right sliding play to it in .308's, this solves the problem without the need to pay extra to a certain vendor (they do great services, not shit talking here, just don't want to pay extra when I don't need to). This "fix" also has the result of making the axis pin (thats what I'm gonna call it until somebody tells me otherwise) shoot out once its holding device (okay, should know the name of that spring wire thingy too) is depressed.

Edited by ThirtyAughtSix
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Im just afraid of it jamming the gun well when I dont want it to. Let alone ever hah


I have never had this happen and it seems more an easy excuse for folks that are too inept to reassemble their gun correctly.

Edited by Azrial
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Throw the BHO away...lever and spring..

Then cut a notch into your existing safety lever, this will allow the bolt to be locked open using the safety lever, there are several threads on here about this modification as well as pictures.

Edited by Rockina
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The only problem the factory BHO has ever given me, (besides the fact that is is in a poor spot for those of us with converted Saigas) is when I accidentally pushed it in too far and its was stuck inside the gun. It was a simple fix I just used the tip of my pocket knife and it popped back out and now that I know this can happen, it doesn't. I say leave your BHO in its better than nothing.

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Reinstalled mine, no problems to this date. I like having it and will eventually put the BHO's back in my rifles too.

I suggest you read some threads about the reinstall process and understand what is needed to be done before you make up your mind.


EDIT; I dont ever have the problem that some people mention about it being in the way after doing the conversion.

Edited by Mullet Man
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I gotta admit, getting that spring in is a royal PITA...It took me forever to get the pin through it, and nearly lost an eye with the spring flying out at me lol. Probably would have helped a great deal if I had a set of those really skinny/long needle nose, rather than a standard set. Regardless, I would keep it in, especially if your hammer has been ground down to make room for it. If I was removing the BHO, I would want an unground hammer I think.

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I gotta admit, getting that spring in is a royal PITA...It took me forever to get the pin through it, and nearly lost an eye with the spring flying out at me lol. Probably would have helped a great deal if I had a set of those really skinny/long needle nose, rather than a standard set. Regardless, I would keep it in, especially if your hammer has been ground down to make room for it. If I was removing the BHO, I would want an unground hammer I think.


The kite string or dental floss trick works great to position the spring.

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I bought all my conversion parts from Dinzag... so reprofiled hammer, retainer plate to replace the spring, trigger group, etc. only thing it didnt include was a modified BHO lever. I had to cut mine with a dremel to get the safety lever back in. But i'm glad I did it... no function problems, works great.


I can attest it is a total PITA to reinstall it, it's funny the first time I did it I got it on the second try, but later I had to take everything apart and put it back together again, my second attempt at installing the BHO lever took probably 20 tries and a lot of swearing.


But it is very nice to have, although yes it is uncomfortable to shoot if you are right handed. However if you hold it up on your last round fired, that is your last round bolt hold open. :D

Edited by gregom
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fortunately for me being a lefty, the BHO never gets in my way. i reinstalled it on both my 7.62 and the 12 that i just converted this weekend. agreed on the dental floss trick - was not that difficult going that route. i actually had initially left it out on my 7.62 during that conversion, but then found out later that the hammer had been profiled for it to be in - and because it wasn't there my hammer was walking on the axis pin. had to hear it apart to put it back in - glad i kept all the original parts!


my thought is - it serves a purpose, and sometimes i like to use it more than the notched safety lever - a lot easier to release at times.

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Do this at your own risk, I'm not a gunsmith at all. What I did was pull the carrier back and slide the safety up as far as it would go and mark were the charging handle is with a pencil. Then notch it carefully to fit around it. Take your time and go slow. This way if you need a bolt hold open at the range you have it. I love it cause you can push the safety down and shoot. It should look like this.


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