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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/12/2024 in Posts

  1. Yeah, I still have my Saiga 12, and lets talk Saiga ! Elections have consequences! With this new American administration, so one should be afraid to discuss their Saiga 12 and Ak47 and AK74 anymore!
    3 points
  2. I've acquired a Noveske N4 with Aimpoint T1 and a Beretta 92GElite LTT. Nate got a DDM4V7 and a Ruger American Compact.
    2 points
  3. I saw you ask this on the FB page too. Unlikely you'll get much response here. Sadly this forum has turned into a ghost town after the Russian firearm ban. That, and pretty much all that could be done to them had been done, and there was very little new info to be had Thankfully the database is still all here. And all the knowledge is still there if one wanted to dig through it. πŸ˜πŸ˜‰ Good luck in your quest!
    2 points
  4. Just wanted to put my Saiga 223 in here for the history.
    2 points
  5. Kusa has barrels for $90 https://kalashnikov-usa.com/product/ks-12-12ga-shotgun-barrel/
    2 points
  6. Well, stranger things have happened. I have hope that Trump will do something for us Saiga and Russian firearm lovers. I know he is all about America first, and for that matter so am I, but if somebody could just whisper into his ear how the Soviet ammo bans have devastated our sport, perhaps he may do something about it.
    1 point
  7. Created this for a custom Komrad build. (C) 2021 M. M. Rogers
    1 point
  8. I love my Saiga 12's and this forum taught me a lot. My 12's run like Swiss watches because of what I learned here.
    1 point
  9. I like the Tromix 8" and also the Evlutionz 6.5" builds. I have shotguns that were worked on by both, and am very happy. Unfortunately, neither are currently doing any Saiga 12 work, so I ask for referrals from you all. Thank you, in advance, for your recommendations.
    1 point
  10. Much love for the Spiker. Diving deeper into 5.45, money says ya got it stacked deep. Nothing but Like for Blonde AKs
    1 point
  11. Polytech Type 56 Pre-ban Spiker, Arsenal SLR-105, and some customized Hungarian wood for the 16” Saiga .308πŸ™‚
    1 point
  12. Hello, Idk if y'all still interested in the 3d file for saiga 12 mag. But I manage to find some .stl files from "iapple1" on r/fosscad on reddit range from 2-12rd mags, I hope y'all have a happy day you can find post: here
    1 point
  13. For anyone else who goes this route be prepared that the K-USA barrel is not chrome lined and the gas ports are drilled. The two cross pins for the gas block and the barrel pin in the trunion is not drilled. It's not the end of the world by any means but you have to stop and think a bit before pressing the barrel home.
    1 point
  14. At least there's a few people still here. Not what it used to be. Would be really nice to have this place as busy as it used to be!!
    1 point
  15. Another aspect is taking God out of the loop. Take God out of the world and the world goes to hell.
    1 point
  16. Hey, I tried! I'm better at hack machining than computing! What does "not allowed to use that image extension mean?! I'll try again, since you were nice enough to call my post interesting and lame, but don't get miffed if they are too many gigabytes or something... I'll look better once I smooth the grinding and get some paint on it.
    1 point
  17. Many people here have bought steel Galil magazines and found that they don't exactly function 100% in the Saiga .223. Count me in on that group. The magazines are very well made, but fit a little loose in the rifle, and sit a little too low in the receiver to always function 100%. There are a couple of problems with the average steel Galil mag when used in the Saiga .223: 1. Many of the magazines are worn out. A couple of the mags I bought look great on the outside, but upon disassembly, the spring looks like hell, and the anti-tilt legs on the follower are noticeably bent after some h
    1 point
  18. I'm building a .223 AK from a Bulgarian AK-74 parts kit very soon, so I've been checking and comparing the Saiga and AK-74 parts in order to make sure that they can share all mags I have on hand without issue. What I've found is that there are two trunnion dimension types that the majority of .223 AK mags are designed for: AKM and AK-74. The AK-74 trunnion has smaller height locking lugs. The AKM trunnion locking lugs have a greater overall height, and protrude lower into the magazine well. The Saiga .223, despite being based on the AK-100 series, uses a trunnion that shares locking lu
    1 point
  19. 1 point
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