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Lone Star Arms

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Everything posted by Lone Star Arms

  1. Hey buddy! Long time no see Glad you're back and posting on the forum. Congrats on the win! Mike
  2. Prohibited person twice over. DD, and domestic violence conviction. From news reports, it sounds like he was equipped to repeat this horrific act at other scenes, and was shot by a lawfully armed citizen responding to the shooting. We'll never know how many more lives were saved, but thanks to quick and heroic actions of a good guy with a gun, many innocent lives were likely saved.
  3. Spent the day working in the shop, and tuned in to a live feed from Austin. Given the hype from both sides, I was pleased to see that everything was peaceful. Not exactly civil discourse - but also not exactly uncivil. Got some work done in the shop, and great shotgun photos ( forthcoming gun porn), so all in all, a pretty good day.
  4. Look, you live in a country that provides the opportunity to compete equally, and capture multi-million dollar contracts in exchange for athletic performance regardless of race, religion, creed etc., etc.. Here on planet Earth, that's a pretty goddanm good gig. Where else on this planet are your going to get that opportunity? You exotic car driving, diamond watch wearing, mansion buying, whore mongering, big spending high rollers, aren't going to find a better deal any where else. Want to play football in a day-glo orange hijab? As long as you're wearing a regulation helmet over it
  5. Headline from Yahoo News: "Uranus will be visible to the naked eye tonight -- here's how to see it" https://www.yahoo.com/news/uranus-visible-naked-eye-tonight-151200988.html
  6. Happy Birthday Juggs. "May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand." - Irish Blessing
  7. Oh I see it now.. Yep that is a problem. Looks like the part was set in the process machine incorrectly which cause the pocket to be formed incorrectly.. It did not wear out, the part was made wrong. Gosh. I see it now. Amazing that no matter how many of these come through the door, there's always something new.
  8. Inserting, and imposing a left Stalinist political agenda into every aspect of public life and media is how the left attempts to do what they could not do at the ballot box.
  9. My observations are solely based upon practical experience. I cut all of my SGM 12 round mags down to 8 rounds years ago, and they continue to serve me just as well as brand new SGM 8 round mags. Made no modifications to the springs. YMMV Mike
  10. Try another mag in your gun, and make sure the gun is firmly buttressed against your shoulder when firing - really firmly buttressed. Consistent last round FTE's are usually a mag issue (especially with SGM 12 round mags). For consistency, and reliability SGM 8 rounders are hard to beat. Promag 12 round drums are the best choice in terms of a 12 round mag.
  11. My take.. there are currently enough S12s, and S12 clones for this project to take off with great success. Over the past few years, MD Arms 20 round drums have just gotten better and better. Not a lot of press or attention being paid to the product, but Mike has definitely been paying attention and making iterative adjustments and improvements. IMO, a successful double stack mag design will supercharge S12 compatible firearms sales, and invigorate competition and innovation industry wide. Personally and professionally, I would love to have a reliable double stack mag which performs
  12. Praying and proud for SE Texas.

  13. The gas block on the KS-12 is identical to the Saiga 12 IZ-109 adjustable gas block in every way. The Kalashnikov USA KS-12 comes with an adjustable gas system out of the box, so there is no need to do any swapping.
  14. So, what exactly is he famous for (besides being President)? Nobel peace prize... What was that for? Making promises,breaking them, and pretending he'd never heard of them? Obamacare - the failed ultimate "hot potato" law, that we all get to pay for? Catch and release policies for Guantanamo detained terrorists? Trashing US Law Enforcement and making them targets? Promoting racial division, and setting back racial harmony and racial relations by at least 50 years? Going on an apology tour to Islamic states, and (taking a knee) bowing to Islamic heads of state. Bengazi. Lying to the Americ
  15. Official figures- 25% - of California residents are illegals (illegally residing, working, not working, collecting benefits, in the US without legal status). Most of these illegals live in, and are most likely registered to vote within major metropolitan areas. So California has already been conquered by foreign powers to whom California is beholden to for labor, taxes, and voters. So why exactly is the rest of the nation willing to tolerate what is functional secession? I just don't know.
  16. There are a lot of awesome spots in Colorado. Plenty of places to camp and hike and enjoy the mountains. Best advice is pack your gear and go. If one spot doesn't suit you, another one will. Rural areas tend to remain conservative. Big cities tend to cater to snowflakes. Wife and I were up in Denver a few weeks ago, walked into a leftist cafe, and were conspicuously ignored. Quickly found a place right down the street that served better food, and was happy to have our business. Avoid Boulder like the plague. Have fun Squeaky! Mike
  17. Really impressed with the Kalashnikov USA KS-12!

    1. JESS1344


      Mr. Rogers,

      Could an S-12 type bolt hold open be installed?



    2. Lone Star Arms
    3. evlblkwpnz


      Good news. I have been wondering about this.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  18. So tired of the South being demonized for the Nation's ills.

    1. David Mark

      David Mark

      Maybe it's time for a modern day Jefferson Davis?

    2. YOT
  19. Link: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2017/06/foghorn/gun-review-kalashnikov-usa-ks-12-shotgun/
  20. Well, for the time being Veprs may be 'banned, but there seems to be plenty of stock left on dealer shelves, and we're in the middle of the summer lull, so I don't see them disappearing tomorrow. Prices may go up, as with Saigas. But initially Veprs were much higher than they are now. Considering their utility and design, they'll be at that level again soon, and most likely higher. Not that long ago, Saiga Version 30's (the gun that Vepr 12's were cloned from) were selling out on pre-order at multiples of what a Vepr 12 sells for today, and that quickly evaporated when Vepr 12s became avai
  21. Prayers out for Steve Scalise, his aide, and the 2 injured LEOs who put their own lives on the line and saved many more.

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