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Everything posted by csspecs

  1. All large cities become crap holes. The leaders forget that the reason so many people lived there is because they needed jobs, they see the factories, cement plants, steel yards ect. as unsightly. When in reality they are the reason everyone came there in the first place. The reason the place is a seedy crime ridden place is the places that made money got shut down or forced out.. Edit: I'm guessing this had to do with the trump rally in chicago? I did not read about that until just now. I'm not shocked that it happened.
  2. Try using their contact page form.. I had an option when I setup my storefront email account, I could block all emails except ones I had replied to outside of the contact box.. It prevents spam from getting into your box.
  3. Third axis pin must be lower than the hammer for it to be in the right spot. The DDI shotgun lower rivet is inline with the hammer pin. Having a filled axis hole and having a riveted part occupying a similar area are not exactly the same thing.. Judging from the photos I have seen, the DDI shotgun does not share any parts or tooling with the Fury. I'd guess that they are made in different factories designed by different people. Having a working warranty is a selling point.
  4. I'm starting to get a bunch of emails about this. Apparently I said more than once that we plan to drop the 20 gauge mags. We have decided that the Saiga 20 is still viable enough, and we have a fairly large volume of data to remake the magazines without a huge effort. The tooling that made the originals is toast, edges are worn so far that I don't think they will make another 100 mags without being out of spec. We are going to make a new set of tooling with a few updates that should make them more reliable and require less fitting. Expect the updated product in the fall.
  5. There are security systems that spray a dense lung irritant fog, use extreme volume speakers, and emit a blinding flash bang level strobe light.. They are expensive but effective. The security gates appear to fail early. Probably an older building without good mounting options, the fasteners pulled out of the walls. If properly installed a good gating system can keep thieves out until police arrive. I helped install a system once, the instructions require mounting into solid poured concrete to get the full rating, using wedge anchors pretty made them worthless.
  6. I don't see them going much lower.. The election is coming, it is possible that there will be another run on firearms like the 08'-09' run. Now is a great time to buy.
  7. Still moving. We had a lot of trouble with worker fatigue on the M77 production runs, so we are making the tooling more complex to prevent this issue. Prying a part out of a tool is not a big deal until it is X 5,000. Even with the best gloves and padded tools you start wearing through your fingers. So a simple part like a floor plate that would have been two pieces has 8-10 machined parts plus die springs and shoulder bolts. We will likely gain all this time back on the first run. I've been meaning to do a video update but orders have been keeping me running.
  8. I think we are getting one in a week or so.. I'll post if someone else does not, some reports coming in seem to indicate they are ok..
  9. That was the first style imported, it just uses AK stocks. I prefer this style over the folders myself, the folding stock is not very comfortable to shoot. The pistol grip can be removed, the bolt it staked but I just spun mine out with a good fitting screw driver.
  10. You can see the tip of the bullet sticking out past the face of the muzzle.. I don't think it can go any shorter. Gotta ask how a rifle like that patterns... Because it is unlikely to group. What kind of velocity can you get out of that? Maybe a couple hundred?
  11. They are socialists, we are opposed to them. Which makes us anti-socialists, which explains why we just can't get along. Or maybe it is that some of us have our party hats on a little tight?
  12. Saiga-12 10 round magazine parts are in, we are moving into production.

    1. JonWienke




      Are the 10-round followers compatible with 8-round magazines?

    2. csspecs


      Yeah, those projects are connected.

  13. Magazine A and magazine B came off different stamp plates.. I can see slight differences in a few areas that suggest this. The top of the rib stamping on the side is different. B is more squared in the corners.. The finish is also different.
  14. Dump the shot and use the primers as target practice.. Leaving bad ammo around is not a good practice..
  15. A friend of my early childhood past five days ago, by his own hand.. Some battles are too great to face alone.. If you face such a battle, get help.

    1. ChileRelleno


      I hear ya, and feel for ya.


  16. I hate to be the guy that says this, because it is bordering on heresy.. But I just like a normal fixed AK stock, I have never used a folder I like. I don't like ace stocks either. Just give me a cheapy plastic stock or a surplus plywood one, they are better for everything, they just don't look cool.
  17. Good suggestion.. Paying for it is the single best way to avoid family problems in the future.
  18. Tooling is done and we are waiting on steel parts, I have not received a shipping notice.. The total order was about a ton, so it takes a while to get them cut.
  19. I need to take that note off. I figure those odd rock lock LRBHO guns are pretty much out of the market now. Most people that had them removed the feature to use normal sticks and drums. Our magazines work fine in the normal saiga-12. We do have a brand new batch coming in a little over a month.. I'm down to 1 saiga 12 magazine.. It looks pretty lonely sitting in the bin by itself. That said, prices on imported goods are constantly subject to change. My understanding is that there are NO MORE coming, at least as long as the sanctions are in place.
  20. Yeah it is never going to happen.. But it does illustrate what the goal is. Of people I know very few of the younger (18-30) have a strong opinion against firearms, the older ones are strongly opposed. So it is possible to keep the momentum we have for a good while. Example, my wife has a bunch of cousins, all of the guys talk about firearms constantly but do not yet own any, their father is strongly opposed to owning firearms of any kind. My brother was at a beach fire in a group of about 40+ younger people ages 15-25, someone mentioned that they shot a gun for the first time and alm
  21. This is old news from Early 2014. There are plenty of websites like armslist and the like that are free to use.
  22. Yes, same principles involved.. We have the Vepr-54r coming up which will take priority over expanding existing product lines, so it may be delayed a couple months further out.
  23. All investments and jobs are subject to risk.. They have been players in the market for a long time, I'm sure they know the market well enough.
  24. Ordered the steel for our first run of Saiga-12 10 round magazines.

    1. lbsrdi
    2. ChileRelleno


      OK, money in hand, get it before the wife and kids do. Where's the pre-order?


    3. Mullet Man
  25. Ordered the first run of 10 round steel Saiga-12 mags today.

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