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Everything posted by loki0629

  1. Now that is funny! Don't you know who he is!?! LOL! He's the Juggernaut...BITCH!! (I'm not calling either of you a bitch, it's from the youtube video posted here a while back). Hey Juggs, way to exercise some sound judgement!
  2. Cobra, You and Racegal will be in my thoughts. I hope it will turn out ok.
  3. You'll be even more dismayed when you find out that a stock s-12 with a 12 round mag is incompatible with 922r (i.e. illegal). You did research that didn't you? Takes practice. Most everyone here has run into that and did the research to figure out the proper procedure. Some members have even been nice enough to come up with mods to cure that problem. And would you believe that they even posted that information here? They've also included pictures for those challenged in abstract thinking. Did you happen to notice if the BHO tab popped out when you released/closed the bolt? P
  4. You may also want to get the word out at your local VFW posts to see if anyone will volunteer for your study. If you do get some leads, introduce yourself and tell them exactly what you are doing without beating around the bush or dancing around the subject. My two cents is that you might have better luck with an older population of vets than the current crop. My mother-in-law learned most of her father's war history (WWII vet) from conversations he would have with me. She told me that growing up, he never talked about it. I think if you pick your study group from the most recent wars the
  5. I ordered a set of windage adjustable sights for my .308 here (scroll down for RPK rear sight w/ windage knob). Unfortunately, it looks like they are out of stock. Others have installed the mojo peep sights and have been happy with it.
  6. The value is what you would have to pay at current market prices to replace what was lost. In this case the number of rounds is more important that what you paid for it. Also, in regards to your wife's allergies, look into a non-shedding breed or one of those ionizing air cleaners. I have a friend who has allergies and she has a standard poodle as a pet. The standard poodle is not the foo-foo looking toy poodle that most people think of. It's MUCH bigger and was bred as a working dog.
  7. BTW the website is Canadian but the author is American. One very pissed off American!
  8. Can you PLEASE leave the damn speedos home when you come to the Jersey shore? No really, I mean it! On the other hand, I'm getting tickets for the Cowboy Junkies who are actually making a stop here in a few days. Those guys are huge Maple Leaf fans. I dunno why though. Everyone knows the Flyers are the best NHL team out there. (*ducks from thrown beer bottles*) Speaking of hockey, we're implementing a new league down here: Let's see you use your fancy-schmancy Canadian skating skills against effective suppressive fire!
  9. vujade, Sorry to hear about your situation. You're probably pissed to say the least and understandably so but you've got the right attitude. Try and keep your spirits up because your wife and kids are going to need you to be strong right now. Take stock of the situation. You know what was taken and you're going to have to rely on the police to do their work. Find your insurance policy and go over it with a fine tooth comb. Losing the cash is a big hit but you should be able to get everything else replaced. Track down whatever receipts you can, get printouts from your bank card or credi
  10. Same with the folding stock. I'd buy it and pin it in place just to be able to use that rotating cheek piece.
  11. He meant medical doctors. Time Lords with sonic screwdrivers don't count.
  12. Dude that makes a hell of a lot more sense than what I was reading earlier. Yes, the "I am a victim" mentality is what you're talking about and yes, I agree. But I think the confusion comes from you referring to them as "rights" when what they are getting are entitlements. Welfare, affirmative action, "free" healthcare, food stamps, social security, fall under this category. When I think of rights, I think of the Bill of Rights. So yeah there's some confusion there that I think we straightened out. Whew. I wasn't really looking to make more enemies.
  13. (*sighs*) Hallboss, I'm gonna try one more time. First, take a look back and reread your posts. In essence, what you did was attack another member here for stating something that they believed. You attacked their position and then you proceeded to attack their integrity. You did all this because you were horrified that someone would think that this country could go the way of Nazi Germany...you know, that place where dissenting views were not allowed? It was either the Fuhrer's way or the gas chamber way. The phenomenon associated with this is called groupthink. It's what happens when
  14. Served my country for one. Fought one war. How about you? Oh yeah, you wrote some letters and some checks. So by what metric are you gauging the success of your writing and funding campaign? I'd really like to know. Insult you? Hey man, if the shoe or jackboot fits wear it. Did I ever claim a more enlightened experience? Nope. But I am saying that I have a different perspective. It's not just your flag and there was a time when all I wanted was to spear that flagpole into some enemy's chest and have it wave high in the air. Actually, I still do, I just realized that I was looking for t
  15. I switched from COD4 to Fable2 for a while. Can you believe they have man-whores in Fable2? Not as kid friendly as I thought it was. So now my 9 year old son and I are back to COD4...much more wholesome fun there.
  16. Then my suggestion would be to stop dreaming and wake up. This country is going EXACTLY where people who fought our wars think it's going...that is to say fascism, socialism, and every other -ism out there that tramples on liberty and justice for all. Because if you don't have a problem with US citizens being denied the right of due process, with US troops being deployed stateside, warrantless surveillance, and the latest and greatest....belonging to a 3rd party political group labels you as a domestic terrorist...if YOU don't have a problem with any of these things...then carry on. America is
  17. Here's a leather one from CTD made for the G3: It sounds like it's what you're looking for. If not there are a ton more on that site. I like to use the sling for shooting so I bought this one.
  18. Good luck Mike. May you always have the Big Mo AND the Little Mo!
  19. Your neighbors in NJ. I almost convinced the wife to move across the river to PA but she has lots of family here. In the end, we compromised. She gets to stay near her family and I get to pay the mortgage and grumble about the anti-gun climate.
  20. Make sure the receiver is stable (clamped into a vise would be best) because you're going to need both hands. Flip the sight until it is perpendicular to the receiver. You should be able to see a part of the leaf spring that keeps tension on the sight. Use a big screwdriver to push down on that leaf spring while pushing the sight down and into the grooves that will allow the sight to come out.
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