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So, I was up visiting in-laws in Brighton last weekend for the first time in awhile and we were on the Interstate throughout Ohio. My wife and I noticed this peculiar Ohio Driver habit of caravaning in the left lane AT THE SPEED LIMIT +/- 1mph despite the right lane being open or perhaps containing 1 or 2 semi's in the vicinity. WTF! :ded: They NEVER move over to the right side! When you move to pass them (on the right), they friggin' speed up! We could predict even once in MI that when a car was doing this the driver would be from OH with 96% accuracy. Anyone else ever notice this?

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I'm sure they've got nothin on east coast drivers in the negligence and stupidity departments, but I've been lucky enough to avoid Ohio, (and its drivers), altogether. I can honestly say I've never heard a good thing about Ohio. Of course, it could all be bullshit, but when you hear from person after person that the best thing to do in Ohio is to "get the fuck outta there", it makes you think that there may be some merit to the idea.

Edited by post-apocalyptic
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I must admit. I did 'get the hell out of there' but I was about 1 year old. That's where I was born. But I've never had any interest in moving back. I'm a southern person. I couldn't live up north and be happy. Not sure I'm far enough south yet. :unsure:


I also drove from here to Denver and back and I found idiots in all states. Maybe it's because I saw people from all states while I drove through.


Not to offend anyone but I hope to never drive through Kansas again. Nothing to do with the people. I mean, Dorothy got out but that doesn't mean everyone else can!

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The problem is there is no common courtesy anymore.

Many people just don't care about other people on the road.


I think it's the way kids are being raised. Spoiled punk kids

become spoiled punk adults.


Some of my other favorite tricks of idiot drivers:


Driver has to cut in front of you, but you look in the rearview

mirror and there is nobody behind you for miles. Moron just

had to be in front of you.


Staying in the far left lane until the last possible second before

crossing all lanes to get to the exit.


Stopping in the middle of the street to chat, sleep, whatever.


Free for all driving in store parking lots.


The list goes on.......



Edit: Racegal, I'm a fellow up-rooted baby Buckeye . :)

Edited by Spartacus
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Nothing new happens everywhere.


I travel a 2 lane US highway for about 8 miles after the expressway ends. There are two stretches of passing lanes in those 8 miles. Follow a driver for miles going 45 to 50 miles per hour in a 55 zone. As they come into the passing areas they speed up to 65 or 70 because they don't want anyone to pass them then when the passing lane ends they slow to 45 or 50 again...... You also have the people that want to go 70 to 75 to pass all...... Aggravating :angry: :angry:

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You come up to a guy in the left lane going the limit + or - 1mph. You follow him patiently, he pulls into the right lane. You pass him, he gets back into the left lane immediately.


Cars that will not be passed, ever. They'll block everybody and never break the speed limit.


Set your cruise control and pass the same guy 5 times in 5 miles. If you pass somebody else, he gets on your ass, and when you get over, he gives you the finger for holding him up. Then you pass him again in 30 seconds.


Trucks pass people on the left going downhill, and one guy immediately swerves over and passes him on the right. He never gets to move back over to the right before the next uphill because a line of people end up passing him on the right, one at a time. Traffic piles up for a mile back because nobody lets the truck over.


There is really really bad bumper to bumper dead stop traffic. You finally get to a point where traffic speeds up to normal. There was nothing on the side of the road, no break down, no accident, nothing. Traffic just stopped for no reason and held you up for half an hour.


Drunk drivers. Die in a fucking fire. I've seen 4 that I know were drunk. One I personally called in that was arrested. One held up a line of 20 or so cars, barely moving. Somebody else called the cops, when the guy pulled over, he opened his door and puked on himself. Another one I tried to have arrested repeatedly, but the cops never came. He was hitting stuff, puking, got out to piss a couple times... etc etc. All on back roads, so drunk he didn't even notice me. Another was just recently on the highway, I had to drive on 95 through a couple states. He put all four tires on grass on one side of the road, and swerved back and forth all the way to the other side of the road. He was having a very hard time staying on the road. There was no way to pass him because of it, and he repeatedly came to a dead stop and speed completely out of sight, I'd get back up to 75 and end up catching him swerving all over the road and going very slowly. I called the cops, waited an hour, called them again, and nothing ever came of it. I gave them locations, the plates, nothing. Cars would pass him one at a time very quickly with two tires in the grass. When I originally found him, there was a Nissan 350z following him with his blinkers on, honking to bring attention to it. Somebody must have been robbing a donut shop somewhere. I think it should be legal to just pull a drunk over and beat him bloody. Maybe make it so that if a cop catches you DUI, he can get your car towed, drive you back to your house, and when you get home, just break one of your fingers backwards. You'll heal, and probably learn something from it. And I don't mean people with one beer in them, I mean sloppy drunks.


Rubber neckers.


People that are going under the speed limit, see a cop doing radar, and SLAM on the brakes. Now everybody is passing a cop at dangerously slow speeds. My dad does this. Every time I tell him that the cop should give him a ticket for slamming on the breaks while going 60 in a 65. Or assume he is drunk or something.


If people stayed in the right lane except to pass, traffic wouldn't exist.



Every week, I am picking my father up from the airport in Providence or Boston, so I'm doing 4-8 hours of long travel a week. I'm seeing a lot of this crap. Two months ago, a guy rushed to pass me on the right, but had no room to do so. He swerved right at me, JUST missing me. I was driving an SUV, and I guess I don't know how big the thing is like I do my car, as I cringed when he swerved, assuming he HAD to hit me. It's like he went right through me, he had to be inches away. Then I saw his car spin off the road behind me, round and round, headlights lighting up both sides of the highway really quickly. What an asshole. Next time don't treat a Lincoln like a Formula 1 cart. When I returned in 2 hours (I never looked back) there was no sign of him. When it happened, I sped up so that we wouldn't meet again, I have no need to come face to face with rabid road rage. I just hoped he learned from it.


Monday, a guy cut off my cousin who was in his SUV. He rolled and ended up in mud. He lost all his camping gear, his SUV, broke his neck, and is laying in a hospital bed and cannot move. Also, he got a ticket for following too close. He had a passenger that just has bruises and cuts. I don't know the real or whole story yet. I do know that I crashed my first car in a condition that lasted less than 10 seconds that was created by large chunks of ice pushed by some plows that didn't start to plow the ice until noon. I got a ticket. Thanks government, crash my car and then punish me for it.



Boy, I got some road rage in me! Good thing I only act on it harmlessly. I have friends that tailgate and honk and such.

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There is another phenomenon that sticks in my craw ....


Many, if not all, states have the law that requires you to give emergency vehicles either a wide birth or slow down ....


Driving on an Interstate and all the people in both lanes slow down to 45 in a 70 ..... Only the right lane should slow down if they can not get in the left lane ... The left lane can still stay at 70 ONLY the right lane must slow down .... :angry: :angry:

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I always considered Ohio to be a good place to be FROM. That's one of the reasons I enlisted years ago. But now I've come to appreciate this little forgotten cornor of Appalachia. Where they don't like Flat-Landers, Yankees, or Revenuers....The Courthouse still has cannons on the front lawns, and there is a little gun builder across the street from the courthouse, so it is still a gun friendly little place. Of course only one redlight and no mart marts or interstates in the county keeps the traffic problems down.......unless you get behind one of the boys drivin his tractor into town to pick up some vittles............ :smoke:

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I live in Ohio, and I don't see this 'phenomenon' on a daily basis. I have to believe that you just happened to be on the road at the same time as some idiots. There are terrible drivers everywhere. The ones who really piss me off are the ones who have ZERO idea how to handle a 'Yield' sign, or even what a 'Yield' sign means....

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We have a State law that says you have to get out of the left lane for a faster vehicle.


And that's pretty much regardless of how fast you happen to be going.

If another vehicle overtakes you, you are supposed to move over and let them pass.


Of course, no one does and no cops are writing tickets for it that I know of, but I guess it was the thought that counts!

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the "best" states for drivers are the southernmost states, the worst being Florida, and the southwestern states.


down here, they pull out in front of you making you lock up your brakes, or just drive on into you like nothing is there.


out west, well, they just dont know how to drive.


I drive either very defensively, or very aggressively. there is no in-between in some parts of the US.


Ohio is nothing! you should feel fortunate that that is all you have to worry about!


Its standard driving law that you dont travel in the left lane, and that you dont pass in the right lane. It is also in the book that you yeild to faster traffic. nobody reads the book anymore though.

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Ive lived in Ohio all my life.I don't notice the left hand drivers so much on the Interstate as i do in the city's with two lanes threw town...and it doesn't seem like its a certain age or anything,theres just a lot of dumb azz drivers.

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I'm in Ohio, and I'm a very aware and courteous driver, until I see someone with out of state plates, damn invaders. Why don't they go back to states their from. I screw with them as much as I can.





















Edited by Paladin
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In CT it's either:


~People in Hondas that think they are going fast, but are either holding people up, cutting them off dangerously, or driving dangerously slow. Oh or get right on your ass, even though their cars have the worst brakes in the history of American automobiles. They should have to follow three seconds behind.

~Pickup truck guys that cut you off and floor it, but don't go anywhere. But boy, listen to that engine try!

~Toyota drivers that do not even know they are driving and do not know anything about driving. What are lanes? What's a speed minimum? What's a right lane?


This isn't true in all cases, etc etc etc blah blah blah, but a good percentage of the assholes fit those three groups perfectly for those reasons.

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Nothing new happens everywhere.


I travel a 2 lane US highway for about 8 miles after the expressway ends. There are two stretches of passing lanes in those 8 miles. Follow a driver for miles going 45 to 50 miles per hour in a 55 zone. As they come into the passing areas they speed up to 65 or 70 because they don't want anyone to pass them then when the passing lane ends they slow to 45 or 50 again...... You also have the people that want to go 70 to 75 to pass all...... Aggravating :angry: :angry:



There is one solution I've found that to use whenever encountering a similar situation. If someone is making your day shitty, be an agent of karma. In that same situation on a two-lane US highway, I'll just lean on my horn, for 10 minutes if I have to, until either the person being a douchebag decides the cessation of the loud irritating sound is more important than being a douchebag, or I arrive at my destination.

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Ohio is not so bad driver wise... (I still have Oregon plates on my 4runner though so plz take it easy on me). I grew up in Atlanta and lived and traveled all over the US and Oregon and New Jersey have the worst drivers for opposite reasons.


Oregon (at least the coast) drivers are all a bunch of hippies on acid trying to find out if they are in a moving vehicle and if so why? NJ turnpike, is a vehicular death-race holy shit!


I'll take Ohio anyday.

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Ohio is not so bad driver wise... (I still have Oregon plates on my 4runner though so plz take it easy on me). I grew up in Atlanta and lived and traveled all over the US and Oregon and New Jersey have the worst drivers for opposite reasons.


Oregon (at least the coast) drivers are all a bunch of hippies on acid trying to find out if they are in a moving vehicle and if so why? NJ turnpike, is a vehicular death-race holy shit!

I'll take Ohio anyday.



Now that's some funny shit there.. :lolol: , you get a pass. Any 4Runner with Oregon plates gets clear lanes ahead. :super:

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Try driving in Michigan in the Detroit area. They are just hostile and won't let you change lanes and after you change lanes the car who made it harder for you to change lanes moves into your lane.


Southern California has rubbernecks who slow down traffic to stare at anything. "Duh it's bitchin' to look at the stopped car".


Ohio's problem was the flying tire salesmen; the Highway Patrol who are extremely vigilant but are not as bad as they were during the 55 limit days where they terrorized drivers who went 57 MPH. Some of our roads are also bad and need to be updated like at I-75 north of downtown Dayton and I-90 in Cleveland where they have a hairpin turn on the interstate.

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