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What has been the most physically painful injury you've incurred?

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Back in '02 I shattered my right tib/fib while swooping, i.e. high performance parachute landing.

Two (2) plates and fourteen (14) screws to put it back together, four months of painful rehab and another year before it felt normal.


Whilst in the ER, discovered that I'm basically immune to the effects of alkaloid drugs, such as morphine. Three hours and three doses later the anesthesiologist confirmed it it for the doctor, and only because I threatened a lawsuit if I didn't get a pain killer that worked.

Thank God for Demerol!






My original description of events to my fellow jumpers.


Dropzone.com Skydive Forums: Skydiving: Gear and Rigging: Crash and Burn

I the great Chile Relleno crashed and burned while enjoying the blue skies in Davis,CA at Skydance Skydiving this last saturday 08/24...


There I was swooping into the landing area, it looked good and felt good so I went for it! ALAS I had failed to properly inspect my landing area before jumping at this new playground.The area I'd chosen looked like a nice gravel surface to surf in on but was in fact deep pea gravel and my right foot dug in on touchdown while the rest of me kept going!!!


Result,severe spiral fracture of both the tibia and fibula, yes both of them!

I knew what was happening to me as it was happening (really weird feeling)I tumbled to a stop,confirmed what I already knew and let everyone within a country mile know that I was hurt.The DZ staff was great providing first aid and transportation to and from the Hospital in Davis and in gathering a few belongings out of my truck and getting me on the the next flight home to Mobile,AL. They even shipped my gear home to me.


So the next morning I check into the hospital and that afternoon I'm in surgery and two (2) gnarly incisions,two (2) plates,fourteen (14) screws and 3.5 days later I'm here at home to recuperate for the next four (4) months. It looks UGLY (I'll post pics later) and hurts like hell, even while pumped full of Demerol and some asst'd other meds, the only real relief is sleep.


The moral to this story,







I will jump again, live and learn, crash and burn, Chile Relleno.

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Sprained my neck a few years ago grappling with a 265 lb wrestling coach that wanted to "TRANE UFC". We were just "going light" I wanted to try a set up for an omaplata from a failed armbar attempt. When I rolled over my shoulder the genius stacked me on my neck and put all his weight on me. My face was touching my chest! I couldn't move so tapping was not and option and my throat was folder over on it self so I couldn't audibly express my pain. Luckily my instructer looked over and saw me before my neck broke, which I am surprised it didn't thanks to conditioning I suppose. When he got off me my body went limp and I couldn't move for a few seconds. It was all I could do to roll over and get to my knees. I drove myself home and got my girl to take me to the ER. It was the first day of my 2 week vacation and I got to spend it sleeping sitting up in a chair. Couldn't swallow food, breathing was a bitch, it's amazing how much you move your head to do simple things. Thankfully I got the sweet-sweet oxycontin which barely helped. I was out 3 months from class, first day back I choked the hell out of that guy. He was a dick and eventually quit training. Second to that I would say breaking my ribs, a few were seperated from the cartialage.

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Man, I feel like a puss next to that shit!

1. Kidney stone-the morphine did work on me. Boy did it ever!

2. Got my right thumb stuck between a grinding wheel and the rest plate, blood poured out of where my thumb nail and meat used to be, soaked the wheel and splashed me in the face! Damn thing throbbed for months!

3. Chemicals soaked through my boots and ate all the skin off the top of my feet. Got pics, but old school camera and no scanner.

4. Fell in a hole and broke 2 ribs, 1 week later got in a fight and took a bat to those same ribs. I was drunk at the time so didn't really hurt.

5. And now the most pussified answer of all...When I was 10 my mom whacked me with a 6' licorice whip and that shit hurt worse than anything up until the other 4 I listed!

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Back in '02 I shattered my right tib/fib while swooping, i.e. high performance parachute landing.

Two (2) plates and fourteen (14) screws to put it back together, four months of painful rehab and another year before it felt normal.


Whilst in the ER, discovered that I'm basically immune to the effects of alkaloid drugs, such as morphine. Three hours and three doses later the anesthesiologist confirmed it it for the doctor, and only because I threatened a lawsuit if I didn't get a pain killer that worked.

Thank God for Demerol!






My original description of events to my fellow jumpers.


Dropzone.com Skydive Forums: Skydiving: Gear and Rigging: Crash and Burn

I the great Chile Relleno crashed and burned while enjoying the blue skies in Davis,CA at Skydance Skydiving this last saturday 08/24...


There I was swooping into the landing area, it looked good and felt good so I went for it! ALAS I had failed to properly inspect my landing area before jumping at this new playground.The area I'd chosen looked like a nice gravel surface to surf in on but was in fact deep pea gravel and my right foot dug in on touchdown while the rest of me kept going!!!


Result,severe spiral fracture of both the tibia and fibula, yes both of them!

I knew what was happening to me as it was happening (really weird feeling)I tumbled to a stop,confirmed what I already knew and let everyone within a country mile know that I was hurt.The DZ staff was great providing first aid and transportation to and from the Hospital in Davis and in gathering a few belongings out of my truck and getting me on the the next flight home to Mobile,AL. They even shipped my gear home to me.


So the next morning I check into the hospital and that afternoon I'm in surgery and two (2) gnarly incisions,two (2) plates,fourteen (14) screws and 3.5 days later I'm here at home to recuperate for the next four (4) months. It looks UGLY (I'll post pics later) and hurts like hell, even while pumped full of Demerol and some asst'd other meds, the only real relief is sleep.


The moral to this story,







I will jump again, live and learn, crash and burn, Chile Relleno.


YOU WIN!!! i thought the scare from my appendix was bad lol. I did rupture 2 disks in my lower back playing football though, but no scars are involved, due to no surgery.

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wow.....yeh you win. ow OW OW....




and i thought taking a 220v zap was bad....dude.....why did you have to post that? OW


you guys are some walking experiments i tell ya!!! OW OW OW....

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I had to throw a 4' x 4' 75Lb angle iorn frame into a 9' tall dumpster. there was nobody to help, so I did a double "shot-put" type throw.


I slightly bulged my C 4-5 disks in my neck. It put me out of work for 8 months. Out of printing for 2 years.


Longest lasting therefore worst pain I have ever had. + it triggers migraines.


I will never improperly lift again.

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Wow Chile.... pizza shaped like a foot!


My daughter works at a pizza place and just brought one home.

Was going to have some..... maybe not now. :)


Glad you are ok.


I've had some good solid physical pain over the years.... crushed thumb, broken ankle, cracked ribs, gall stones, sinus infections, gout, fun stuff.

I've had one pain far worse than any of that though..... a broken heart. :wub::rolleyes:

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I stuffed my motorcycle into the side of an industrial waste truck.

Folded my left foot over the foot peg...it broke all five bones in the foot, cracked the ankle and also broke three bones in my hand.


I should point out that while I was laying in the street I looked at my hand and the pinky bone was abviously broken, thing looked like the letter Z....couldn't feel it at all. I could, however, feel my foot, fuckin thing hurt bad enough that the pain made me roll side to side like a retarted kid and growl at people who asked me if I was OK


The paramedics scraped me up off the street and strapped me to the spine board and away we went to the hospital. One the way he tells me I will get morphine at the hospital and just hang tight while he gets my boot off. I hollered pretty good when he did that shit.


They get me to the hospital and move me off the back board and onto the ER bed, I can finally look down at my foot and I see why it hurts soo damn bad....the bone the leads to the big toe is sticking out about 1 1/2" and the bone for the toe next to it is pokeing out just enough to break the surface. The entire front section of my foot is pushed forward and down a good inch or two in a nice clean line where all the bones had been broken as the foot was folded in half on the foot peg.


Everything before and after that has been pretty tame.

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Well I cant find my pics right now but a few years back I was sitting at a red light and a work truck coming up behind me was not paying attention and slamed into the back of my truck wich went backwards into my seat and the back of the seat broke and I pretty much came out of the seat flew head first into the roof of my truck and went threw the back glass into the bed of the truck it was pretty crazy but I dont remeber much of it cut my right side open I guess goin threw the glass broke a few ribs and crushed some disks in my back from hitting the roof from what I was told the guy that hit me thought I was dead cause I was just layin there broke 2 toes 3 fingers and now I have 3 of this shinny disks in my spine before they decided to do surgery I was 2 inches shorter than what I was suposta be but after 32 staples and a year and a half of physical theropy doing pretty good and a nifty 18" scar down my back and a 5" scar down my right rib cage but that Is about the worst one


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I had a similar parachuting incident, only it was more my fault than anything: We were doing a night jump over water to practice clearing the chute from over you once you're in the drink, which sucks. Many of us were dropping our ruck sacks and letting them dangle, so we'd hear them hit the water when we were close. We'd then do a cutaway and free fall a short distance into the water....


I landed on a sand barge. :cryss:


Clean brake of the tibula and fibula, and cracked the pelvic (hip) joint and broke off the top of my femur, where the ball is. That's what hurt the most was the hip joint.



I've been shot with a shotgun too, but the fractured hip hurt more.


12 ga went in the palm and out the back of the wrist:




Ruined my WHOLE day too. :sick:




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The worst pain I have ever felt is Kidney stones. Three times in 1 year. Thank god for opioid-based drugs.

The worst injury I have incurred would be a thick piece of glass through the bottom of my foot and out the top.



I have a friend who thought it would be cool to mix chlorine and bleach in a gallon jug next to his head. It damaged his face so badly he had to undergo facial reconstructive surgery

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I slid on my bicycle as a kid and tore most of my leg open. I was going pretty fast and just slid along without rolling. Everything else just didn't really hurt. I fell off a bike once onto my elbow and it bruised bone supposedly, all I know is that I couldn't bend my elbow at all, but it didn't hurt at all.


The worst pain ever without a doubt was when I got strep throat that lasted just over a month. I went 6 days without sleep in that time, it was horrible. The flu is a weak bitch compared to that one time I got strep. I've gotten it since a couple times, and it wasn't but a three day ordeal and I was able to sleep.


I'm boring.

Edited by Twinsen
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Sprained my neck a few years ago grappling with a 265 lb wrestling coach that wanted to "TRANE UFC". We were just "going light" I wanted to try a set up for an omaplata from a failed armbar attempt. When I rolled over my shoulder the genius stacked me on my neck and put all his weight on me. My face was touching my chest! I couldn't move so tapping was not and option and my throat was folder over on it self so I couldn't audibly express my pain. Luckily my instructer looked over and saw me before my neck broke, which I am surprised it didn't thanks to conditioning I suppose. When he got off me my body went limp and I couldn't move for a few seconds. It was all I could do to roll over and get to my knees. I drove myself home and got my girl to take me to the ER. It was the first day of my 2 week vacation and I got to spend it sleeping sitting up in a chair. Couldn't swallow food, breathing was a bitch, it's amazing how much you move your head to do simple things. Thankfully I got the sweet-sweet oxycontin which barely helped. I was out 3 months from class, first day back I choked the hell out of that guy. He was a dick and eventually quit training. Second to that I would say breaking my ribs, a few were seperated from the cartialage.





That kind of explains your recent neck and back problems. Holy smoke bro, you're war torn.

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Well I can say I am no stranger to pain. Some high lights:

Coming to, with my hand under the exhaust of the motorcycle leaning against the guard rail. Hurt so bad I never felt the bleeding gashes in my leg till the blood filled my 16 " tall riding boot and someone else noticed it.

Broke my left foot 3 times in 2 months

Broke my hand and dislocated all my fingers. That hurt, but getting it straightened out was intense. Double nerve block my ass. If they were working, I cant believe what it would have felt like without.

Past summer I caught a flesh eating bac. in my pinky finger. Ended up in the ER telling them to just cut it off. Shit had started at the knucle and worked out. Healing from it was weeks, wide open hole to the bone. Me being me, I'm gonna adj the lifters on the Harley. Screw driver slipped removing the tube on one, finger went up into the gas tank. Thank you doc for the Oxxie, I ate 4 and washed it down with a beer.

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It was the day after Christmas of '95 I was a passanger in a Ford Probe GT. The driver thought he was Mario Andretti and could drive...well long story short we did 3 end-over-end flips, crashed against the mountain side and then did 6 barrel-rolls. A helo trip to the local hospital with 6.5 hours of recontructive surgery and I'm looking better then I was before. :chris:

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Before I chose music as a career path I was def. highly involved with snowboarding. I won many competitions but the injuries were a bitch!!!!!


post-18006-12598599663052_thumb.jpgpost-18006-12598599470536_thumb.jpg- YUMMY!!!!







Top one was a clean broken arm from falling backwards off a 10 ft. high rail attempting a FS boardslide way to fast.(healed in 3/12 months thanks DOC!)


The knee injury was a torn ACL and MCL. I cased a 40 ft. tabletop when some dumb skier kid fell on the landing and I attempted to try and not land on him, almost killing him. Gotta busted knee for that great deed. This one was def. the most painful and took almost half a year to heal and another half a year for rehab. This pic was taking after the doctor told me not to go home 4 hours after my surgery and I told him he was a liar and Im leaving, end result? I feel down 2 steps of stairs because i was all morphine and percoceted out. Had to go back the next day for the doctor to stitch me up.


All in all these injuries are not that bad. The last pic is me snowboarding in jan. 2009 after all these injuries occurred and still killing it. God damn I love snowboarding!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You guys are going to call me a wimp, but after breaking my right tibia, my left arm almost in an identical way to the pics by kiddj, breaking my nose, breaking every finger in both hands over the span of two years, tearing my rotator cuff, spraining my neck twice, pulling both hamstrings while sprinting, having an emergency appendectomy, and PRK eye surgery, the number one most painful thing ever I have had to endure is developing dry sockets after oral surgery. I swear to God, I actually had thoughts of suicide because the pain was that intense. I was hurting so bad, that I punched a door frame repeatedly and seriously bruised my hand. Pain killers, ice, repeated swearing, you name it, nothing worked. I don't wish that pain on my worst enemy.

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You guys are going to call me a wimp, but after breaking my right tibia, my left arm almost in an identical way to the pics by kiddj, breaking my nose, breaking every finger in both hands over the span of two years, tearing my rotator cuff, spraining my neck twice, pulling both hamstrings while sprinting, having an emergency appendectomy, and PRK eye surgery, the number one most painful thing ever I have had to endure is developing dry sockets after oral surgery. I swear to God, I actually had thoughts of suicide because the pain was that intense. I was hurting so bad, that I punched a door frame repeatedly and seriously bruised my hand. Pain killers, ice, repeated swearing, you name it, nothing worked. I don't wish that pain on my worst enemy.


How do your eyeball sockets get dry? Does that mean you can't move your eyes due to lack of lubrication? OUCH!!!

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You guys are going to call me a wimp, but after breaking my right tibia, my left arm almost in an identical way to the pics by kiddj, breaking my nose, breaking every finger in both hands over the span of two years, tearing my rotator cuff, spraining my neck twice, pulling both hamstrings while sprinting, having an emergency appendectomy, and PRK eye surgery, the number one most painful thing ever I have had to endure is developing dry sockets after oral surgery. I swear to God, I actually had thoughts of suicide because the pain was that intense. I was hurting so bad, that I punched a door frame repeatedly and seriously bruised my hand. Pain killers, ice, repeated swearing, you name it, nothing worked. I don't wish that pain on my worst enemy.

I got dry sockets too. I had 6 wisdom teeth instead of 4. my dentist thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I have super human jaw bones and it took him 4 hours to extract the teeth, under just novacaine! I was going through a bottle of 30 percocets in 2 days so he gave me oxycontin, I don't remember much about the pain. I was drug retarded for a few weeks after that but never got addicted. Best part of the dentist trip was when he was using that little chisel/prybar tool. He was shaking from having so much pressure on the tooth, the tool slipped and hit the back of my throat (which wasn't numb). That sucked, I made him stop and take a break. We both needed one. I wouldn't go back there but his assistants are fucking HOT!

Edited by obake
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My story is lame compared to most of your stories.


The greatest and most enduring pain I've ever had was a ruptured disc in my neck. The pain radiates from your neck down your arm(s) ending in numb fingers. I literally rolled on the floor trying to alleviate the pain. I've had three disc fusions and a titanium plate installed in my neck over a ten year period, and am grappling with a fourth disc issue now. In fact, just this week I had a cortisone shot trying to shrink the aggravated tissue and nerves. Those shots are pretty fun. Sooner or later I will have another disc fusion. I just hope it's the result of gradual onset rather than another rupture. Man that hurts.

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Motorcycle accident where I went down at 70 MPH after being hit by a pickup. I was DOA with multiple broken bones, cracked skull and a damaged spleen. Sorry, I have no pics. It took me a a year to be able to walk without a cane, but I was back on a bike at 8 months!


I have also been shot, stabbed, cut, poisoned, clubbed, beaten and DOA twice. I guess that I am still here for a reason! :D

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My story is lame compared to most of your stories.


The greatest and most enduring pain I've ever had was a ruptured disc in my neck. The pain radiates from your neck down your arm(s) ending in numb fingers. I literally rolled on the floor trying to alleviate the pain. I've had three disc fusions and a titanium plate installed in my neck over a ten year period, and am grappling with a fourth disc issue now. In fact, just this week I had a cortisone shot trying to shrink the aggravated tissue and nerves. Those shots are pretty fun. Sooner or later I will have another disc fusion. I just hope it's the result of gradual onset rather than another rupture. Man that hurts.

I was up early this morning to get my first cortisone spinal injection. I was on the table and they asked if I had any infections and sure enough I have strep throat so I was pardoned until it clears up.

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Motorcycle accident where I went down at 70 MPH after being hit by a pickup. I was DOA with multiple broken bones, cracked skull and a damaged spleen. Sorry, I have no pics. It took me a a year to be able to walk without a cane, but I was back on a bike at 8 months!


I have also been shot, stabbed, cut, poisoned, clubbed, beaten and DOA twice. I guess that I am still here for a reason! :D



Damn and I thought i was bad Poisoned ? accidentaly ?


Ive been burned,stabbed,cut,ran over with a truck,drowned,electricuted,not clubbed but have had a pool stick and a golfball in a sock to the head 2x have to take a peek at the medical records to remeber where half of these scars came from but I would have to agree DLT dry eyes are fking painfull

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Dry eyes? What dry eyes? Dry Socket is not dry eyes. Dry socket is when you have your jaw bone and nerve endings completely exposed to the air and all the other things that get into your mouth. If you ever have this condition and can't get it treated for several days like I couldn't, you will wish for death. As for dry eyes, yes, I know what it feels like to have that too. PRK eye surgery is the equivalent of having your cornea sanded down. I was blind for several weeks after the surgery and couldn't see a damn thing clearly for about 2 months. That didn't really hurt that much, but it messes with your head during the recovery time that perhaps you will be stuck with crappy uncorrectable vision for the rest of your life.

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You guys are going to call me a wimp, but after breaking my right tibia, my left arm almost in an identical way to the pics by kiddj, breaking my nose, breaking every finger in both hands over the span of two years, tearing my rotator cuff, spraining my neck twice, pulling both hamstrings while sprinting, having an emergency appendectomy, and PRK eye surgery, the number one most painful thing ever I have had to endure is developing dry sockets after oral surgery. I swear to God, I actually had thoughts of suicide because the pain was that intense. I was hurting so bad, that I punched a door frame repeatedly and seriously bruised my hand. Pain killers, ice, repeated swearing, you name it, nothing worked. I don't wish that pain on my worst enemy.

I got dry sockets too. I had 6 wisdom teeth instead of 4. my dentist thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I have super human jaw bones and it took him 4 hours to extract the teeth, under just novacaine! I was going through a bottle of 30 percocets in 2 days so he gave me oxycontin, I don't remember much about the pain. I was drug retarded for a few weeks after that but never got addicted. Best part of the dentist trip was when he was using that little chisel/prybar tool. He was shaking from having so much pressure on the tooth, the tool slipped and hit the back of my throat (which wasn't numb). That sucked, I made him stop and take a break. We both needed one. I wouldn't go back there but his assistants are fucking HOT!

I'm convinced those hot assistants are the only reason we men keep going back.

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