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guillotines and concentration camps?!?!?!

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Sadly, many wont research any of it since its not being reported by FOX news. This isnt exactly new news, nor old, but is fucked up none the less. Hell many still deny the FEMA camps that litter our nation even after FEMA came out and admitted it.

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Chicks lose their heads over those designer labels. The pic is probably of this sculpture, which, even by government standards, is horribly overpriced.


While looking up other things that may be related to guillotine assemblies, not guillotines themselves, I did come across some text about ejection seats developed in the 70s (about the time that NSN was issued) that used a "guillotine" to cut the inertial reel, allowing the parachute to deploy. Unfortunately, as soon as I posted this addendum, my links disappeared and so did the location of the original source. I suspect very strongly that I was a little too close to the truth, so the government “pulled the plug.”


I also came across this thread that, while not by any means totally refuting the claims about guillotines, does cast aspersion on it as being an Internet rumor dating back to at least last year.

Edited by DrThunder88
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can't really see this as a real deal, a big ass watermelon cutter would be a really slow stupid way to kill people. Barry has been trying to talk us to death, it seems to be working I feel sicker every time I hear him.

Edited by the 4th Doctor
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I've gotta call hooey. I just picked a random E.O. and researched it:


EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.


Well it was done in 1962 and revoked in 1969. It had to do with... well....





By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including authority vested in me by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799), it is hereby ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of Commerce (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering:

(a) Development and coordination of over-all policies, plans, and procedures for the provision of a centralized control of all modes of transportation in an emergency for the movement of passenger and freight traffic of all types, and the determination of the proper apportionment and allocation of the total civil transportation capacity, or any portion thereof, to meet over-all essential civil and military needs.

(B) Federal emergency operational responsibilities with respect to: highways, roads, streets, bridges, tunnels, and appurtenances; highway traffic regulation; allocation of air carrier aircraft for essential military and civilian operations; ships in coastal and intercoastal use and ocean shipping, ports and port facilities; and the Saint Lawrence Seaway; except those elements of each normally operated or controlled by the Department of Defense.

© The production and distribution of all materials, the use of all production facilities, the control of all construction materials, and the furnishing of basic industrial services except the following:

(1) Production and distribution of and use of facilities for petroleum, solid fuels, gas, and electric power;

(2) Production, processing, distribution and storage of food resources and the use of food resource facilities for such production, processing, distribution, and storage;

(3) Domestic distribution of farm equipment and fertilizer;

(4) Use of communications services and facilities, housing, and lodging facilities, and health and welfare facilities;

(5) Production, and related distribution, of minerals defined as all raw materials of mineral origin (except petroleum, gas, solid fuels, and source materials as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended) obtained by mining and like operations and processed through the stages specified, and at the facilities designated in an agreement between the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of the Interior as being within the emergency preparedness responsibilities of the Secretary of the Interior, and the construction and use of facilities designated as within the responsibilities of the Secretary of the Interior;

(6) Distribution of items in the supply systems of, or controlled by the Department of Defense and the Atomic Energy Commission, and

(7) Construction and use of civil aviation facilities.

(d) Fallout forecasting based on current weather data.

(e) Collection and reporting of census data for emergency planning purposes.

These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in those areas with respect to all degrees of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.

SEC. 2. Transportation Planning and Coordination Function. The Secretary shall develop long range programs designed to integrate the mobilization requirements for movement of all forms of commerce with all forms of national and international transportation systems including air, ground, water, and pipelines, in an emergency; more particularly he shall:

(a) Resources and requirements. Obtain, assemble, analyze, and evaluate data on the requirements of all claimants for all types of civil transportation to meet the needs of the military and of the civil economy. Consolidate, evaluate, and interpret both current and projected resources and requirements data developed by all Federal agencies concerned with moving passengers or cargo by all modes of transportation for the purpose of initiating actions designed to stimulate government and industry actions to improve the peacetime structure of the transportation system for use in an emergency.

(B)Economic projections. Conduct a continuing analysis of transportation problems and facilities in relation to long-range economic projections for the purpose of recommending incentive and/or regulatory programs designed to bring all modes of transportation in balance with each other, with current economic conditions, projected peacetime conditions, and with emergency conditions.

© Passenger and cargo movement. Develop plans and procedures which would provide for the central collection and analysis of passenger and cargo movement demands of both shipper and user agencies as they relate to the capabilities of various transport modes in existence at the time, control or delegate control of the priority of movement of passengers and cargo for all modes of transportation by mode or within a mode and develop policies, standards and procedures for emergency enforcement of controls through the use of means such as education, incentives, embargoes, permits, sanctions, clemency policies, etc.

(d) Emergency transportation functions. In consonance with plans developed by other agencies assigned operational responsibilities in the transportation program, develop plans for and be prepared to provide the administrative facilities for performing emergency transportation functions when required by the President.

SEC. 3. Transportation Operations Planning Functions. The Secretary shall develop plans and procedures in consonance with international treaties and in cooperation with other Federal agencies, the States and their political subdivisions to:

(a) Highways and streets. Adapt and develop highway and street systems to meet emergency requirements and provide procedures for their repair, restoration, improvement, revision and use as an integral part of the transportation system in an emergency.

(B)Ocean shipping and ports. To plan for the operation and control of Federal activities concerned with:

(1) Shipping allocation. Allocation of merchant shipping to meet all national requirements including those for military, foreign assistance, and emergency procurement programs, and those essential to the civilian economy. The term "merchant shipping" and the term "ocean shipping" as used herein include all coastwise and intercoastal, and Great Lakes shipping except that solely engaged in the transportation of passenger and cargo between United States ports.

(2) Ship acquisition. Provision of ships for ocean shipping by purchase, charter, or requisition, by breakout from the national defense reserve fleet, and by construction.

(3) Operations. Operation of ocean shipping directly or indirectly.

(4) Traffic control. Provision for the control of traffic through port areas to assure an orderly and continuous flow of such traffic. The term "port area(s)" as used herein includes any zone contiguous to or associated in the traffic network of an ocean or Great Lakes port, or outport location, including beach loading sites, within which facilities exist for the transshipment of persons and property between domestic carriers and carriers engaged in coastal, intercoastal, and overseas transportation.

(5) Traffic priority. Administration of priorities for the movement of traffic through port areas.

(6) Port allocation. Allocation of available ports and port facilities to meet the needs of the Nation and our allies. The term "port facilities" as used herein includes all port facilities (including the Great Lakes), port equipment including harbor craft, and port services normally used in accomplishing the transfer or interchange of cargo and passengers between ocean-going vessels and other media of transportation or in connection therewith.

(7) Support activities. Performance of supporting activities needed to carry out the above functions, such as: ascertaining national requirements for ocean shipping including those for military and other Federal programs and those essential to the civilian economy, maintenance, repair, and arming of ships, recruitment, training, and assignment of officers and seamen; procurement, warehousing, and issuance of ships stores, supplies, equipment, and spare parts; supervision of stevedoring and bunkering; management of terminals, shipyards, and other facilities; and maintenance, restoration, and provision of port facilities.

© Air carrier civil air transportation. Develop plans for a national program to utilize the air carrier civil air transportation capacity and equipment, both domestically and internationally, in a national emergency, particularly in the following areas concerned with:

(1) Requirements. Obtaining from the Department of Defense, Civil Aeronautics Board, or other agencies, and analyzing requirements for the services of air carrier aircraft for essential military and civilian use.

(2) Allocation. Allocation of air carrier aircraft to meet the needs of the Department of Defense for military operations and the Civil Aeronautics Board for essential civilian needs.

SEC. 4. Production Functions. Within the areas designated in section 1 © hereof, the Secretary shall:

(a) Requirements. Periodically assemble, develop as appropriate, and evaluate estimated requirements for assigned resources and services taking into account the estimated needs for military, civilian, and foreign purposes. Such evaluation shall take into consideration geographical distribution of requirements in an emergency.

(B)Resources. Periodically assess assigned resources available from all sources in order to estimate availability under an emergency situation, analyze resource estimates in relation to estimated requirements in order to identify problem areas, and develop appropriate recommendations and programs including those necessary for the maintenance of an adequate mobilization base. Provide data and assistance before and after attack for national resource evaluation purposes of the Office of Emergency Planning.

© Priorities and allocations. Develop priorities, allocation, production, and distribution control systems, including provisions for other Federal departments and agencies, as appropriate, to serve as allotting agents for materials made available under such systems for construction and operation of facilities assigned to them.

(d) New construction. Develop procedures by which new production facility construction proposals will be reviewed for appropriate location in the light of such area factors as locational security, availability of labor, water, housing, and other requirements.

(e) Industry evaluation. Identify and rate those products and services, and their producing or supporting facilities, which are of exceptional importance to mobilization readiness, national defense, or post-attack survival and recovery.

(f) Production capability. Analyze potential effects of attack on actual production capability, taking into account the entire production complex including shortages of resources, and conduct studies as a basis for recommending pre-attack measures that would strengthen capabilities for post-attack production.

(g) Stockpiles. Assist the Office of Emergency Planning in formulating and carrying out plans for stockpiling of strategic and critical materials, and essential survival items.

(h) Essential activities. Maintain lists of activities essential to defense production and to minimum requirements of the civilian economy, such lists to be used in conjunction with lists of critical occupations.

(i) Financial aid. Develop plans and procedures for financial aids and incentives, including credit assistance to producers, processors, and distributors of those industries included in section 1© hereof, who might need such assistance in various mobilization conditions, particularly those resulting from attack.

(j) Salvage and rehabilitation. Develop plans for the salvage of stocks and rehabilitation of assigned products and facilities after attack.

SEC. 5. Economic Stabilization. The Secretary shall cooperate with the Office of Emergency Planning in the development of suitable economic stabilization measures providing continuing guidance to the States, their political subdivisions, manufacturers, processors, and the public on the use and conservation of essential commodities in an emergency including rationing.

SEC. 6. Cooperation with Department of Defense. In consonance with national civil defense plans, programs, and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, the Secretary shall:

(a) Facilities protection. Provide industry protection guidance materials adapted to the needs of assigned facilities and promote a national program to stimulate disaster preparedness and control in order to minimize the effects of overt or covert attack, and to maintain continuity of production and capacity to serve essential users in an emergency. Guidance shall include, but not be limited to, organizing and training facility personnel, personnel shelter, evacuation plans, records protection, continuity of management, emergency repair, deconcentration or dispersal of critical facilities, and industrial mutual aid associations for emergency.

(B)Public roads control. Develop plans for a national program, in cooperation with all Federal, State and local government units or other agencies concerned, for technical guidance to States and direction of Federal activities relating to highway traffic control problems which may be created during an emergency; and plans for barricading and/or marking streets and highways, leading into or out of restricted fallout areas, for the protection of the public by external containment of traffic through hazardous areas.

© Weather function. Prepare and issue currently, as well as in an emergency, forecasts and estimates of areas likely to be covered by fallout in event of attack and make this information available to the Federal, State, and local authorities for public dissemination.

(d) Monitoring. Provide for the detection, identification, monitoring, and reporting of chemical, biological and radiological agents at facilities operated or controlled by the Department of Commerce.

(e) Damage assessment. Maintain a capability to assess the effects of attack on assigned resource areas and departmental installations, other facilities; and maintenance, restoration, and provision of port facilities.

SEC. 7. Claimancy. The Secretary shall prepare plans to claim supporting materials, manpower, equipment, supplies and services which would be needed to carry out assigned responsibilities and other essential functions of the Department from the appropriate agency and shall work with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such resources in an emergency.

SEC. 8. Census Data. The Secretary shall provide for the collection and reporting of census information on the status of human and economic resources including population, housing, agriculture, manufacture, mineral industries, business, transportation, foreign trade, construction, and governments, as required for emergency planning purposes.

SEC. 9. Research. Within the framework of Federal research objectives, the Secretary shall supervise or conduct research in areas directly concerned with carrying out his emergency preparedness responsibilities, designate representatives for necessary ad hoc or task force groups, and provide advice and assistance to other agencies in planning for research in areas involving the Department's interest.

SEC. 10. Functional Guidance. The Secretary, in carrying out the functions assigned in this order, shall be guided by the following:

(a) Interagency cooperation. The Secretary shall assume the initiative in developing joint plans for the coordination of transportation and production programs which involve other departments and agencies which have responsibilities for any segment of such activities. He shall utilize to the maximum those capabilities of other agencies qualified to perform or assist in the performance of assigned functions by contractual or other agreements.

(B)Presidential coordination. The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning shall advise and assist the President in determining policy for, and assist him in, coordinating the performance of functions under this order with the total national preparedness program.

© Emergency planning. Emergency plans and programs, and emergency organization structure required thereby, shall be developed as an integral part of the continuing activities of the Department of Commerce on the basis that it will have the responsibility for carrying out such programs during an emergency. The Secretary shall be prepared to implement all appropriate plans developed under this order. Modifications and temporary organizational changes, based on emergency conditions, will be in accordance with policy determination by the President.

SEC. 11. Emergency Actions. Nothing in this order shall be construed as conferring authority under Title III of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended, or otherwise, to put into effect any emergency plan, procedure, policy, program, or course of action prepared or developed pursuant to this order. Such authority is reserved to the President.

SEC. 12. Redelegation. The Secretary is hereby authorized to redelegate within the Department of Commerce the functions hereinabove assigned to him.

SEC. 13. Prior Action. To the extent of any inconsistency between the provisions of any prior order and the provisions of this order, the latter shall control. Emergency Preparedness Order No. 2 (heretofore issued by the Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization) (26 F.R. 653-654), is hereby revoked.

February 16, 1962




Executive Order 10999
Assigning emergency preparedness functions to the Secretary of Commerce

  • Signed: February 16, 1962
  • Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1527, February 20, 1962
  • See: EO 10952, July 20, 1961; FR Doc. 62-9459, 27 FR 9418; FR Doc. 63-3328, 28 FR 3125
  • Revoked by: EO 11490, October 28, 1969

You can do research on all of it if you want. I'm buying stock in tin foil.

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In the spirit of questioning everything...


Let us admit we have no concrete idea what if anything is planned for fall of the American ideal.

Allow us to also admit something wicked this way comes, though we may not know what.


We may be simple but we are not blind, deaf, and dumb.


But if indeed nefarious plans are coming to fruition from multiple origins, would it not be in those plans benefit to create widespread disbelief and cynicism preparing for the day when so much fruit hangs on the tree it can no longer be hidden?

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Really? This is nonsense of the worst kind. This takes tinfoil hats and black helicopters to a whole new level.



no kidding, some of you guys really need to seek professional help, if you believe the kind of tripe and stupidity these aluminum foil website provide. just because it is guillotine doesn't actually mean it's for chopping off heads.


dictionary defines it as:


1) a machine for beheading by means of a heavy blade that slides down in vertical guides

2) a shearing machine or instrument (as a paper cutter) that in action resembles a guillotine.
what that NSN is for a a sheering device that was made by MARTIN BAKER AIRCRAFT CO LTD. and has been in inventory since 1971.
here are the specs:

NSN 1377-00-149-8407 is a GUILLOTINE ASSY whose part number is MBEU1640GRU5. Its unit price is $427.66 and its delivery range is not available. This NSN was assigned on 09/29/1971.

Item does not contain Precious Metal. This NSN's main defense parts suppliers are: MARTIN BAKER AIRCRAFT CO LTD.

Technical Documentation is acknowledged by agency/country Naval Inventory Control Point, Philadelphia, PA 19111.


National Stock Number 1377-00-149-8407 has an FSG of 13 - Ammunition and Explosives, an FSC of 1377 - Cartridge and Propellant Devices, an INC of 77777 - GUILLOTINE ASSY, and a NIIN of 00-149-8407.




it's a aerospace part, it's part of the ejection seat, not a head chopping guillotine that looney tunes website says, and you gullible people believe. it's classified under ammunition and explosives is because there is a explosive cartridge that brings the blades together to sever cables going to the seat.





I actually wonder sometimes, that people who believe these hair brained website should even be allowed to own a BB gun, or handle and be around sharp objects, let alone own a real firearm.


Edited by Matthew Hopkins
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And if the number is correct, 30,000, exactly what would be done with that many ejection seat parts?


That should be the focus of any fact finding.


first off, that whole head chopping guillotine is bullshit, anything else in it is bullshit as well.



but lets say it's true, for the sake of argument,



a NATIONAL stock number. I emphasis NATIONAL for you so that you understand that it means that it goes to all branches of the service that have jets, you know, NAVY, AIR FORCE, MARINES, as well as the COAST GUARD, NASA (yes, they have jets as well), and probably some other gov't agencies.


just because the NAVY contracted that part, doesn't mean it's all theirs, they put the specification on it, tested it etc... for acceptance. and it goes in the national inventory to be used by all branches. and gov't agencies that might require that part.



it might be that in order to change out that explosive cartridge, explosives don't last forever, and you certainly don't want a bad change, or as part of a interval maintenance, they also need to change out the guillotine as part of the service procedure


aircraft are one of the major things that they do a lot of service on, A LOT, and change things out on a scheduled maintenance . it's not like a tank, where if a part goes bad, they can pull over on a cloud and call for maintenance to come get them. parts on a aircraft, have a "shelf life" if you will, they get replaced at a routine. and I know if I was a pilot, I wouldn't want that guillotine to fail on me, if I really needed it to un-ass the jet, just because "it looks good" to the maintenance crew

Edited by Matthew Hopkins
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now what I think happened is this is all part of a free trade agreement with those pesky Chinese, where Barry made a deal to import a bunch of cut rate coffins. the job got sub contracted to the N. Koreans and to them a full size coffin fits someone who's 5 foot tall. Barry bitched so they threw in a guillotine for every funeral home so they could take a little off the top.

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And if the number is correct, 30,000, exactly what would be done with that many ejection seat parts?


That should be the focus of any fact finding.


first off, that whole head chopping guillotine is bullshit, anything else in it is bullshit as well.



but lets say it's true, for the sake of argument,



a NATIONAL stock number. I emphasis NATIONAL for you so that you understand that it means that it goes to all branches of the service that have jets, you know, NAVY, AIR FORCE, MARINES, as well as the COAST GUARD, NASA (yes, they have jets as well), and probably some other gov't agencies.


just because the NAVY contracted that part, doesn't mean it's all theirs, they put the specification on it, tested it etc... for acceptance. and it goes in the national inventory to be used by all branches. and gov't agencies that might require that part.



it might be that in order to change out that explosive cartridge, explosives don't last forever, and you certainly don't want a bad change, or as part of a interval maintenance, they also need to change out the guillotine as part of the service procedure


aircraft are one of the major things that they do a lot of service on, A LOT, and change things out on a scheduled maintenance . it's not like a tank, where if a part goes bad, they can pull over on a cloud and call for maintenance to come get them. parts on a aircraft, have a "shelf life" if you will, they get replaced at a routine. and I know if I was a pilot, I wouldn't want that guillotine to fail on me, if I really needed it to un-ass the jet, just because "it looks good" to the maintenance crew



You assume the number is incorrect and it very probably is given how ridiculous 30,000 would be. Why so?


Well yeah having worked on the flight line 4 years for Uncle I understand the obvious.


I can tell you with 100% confidence there aint that many ejection seats and they don't have to maintained that often.

Checked and inspected yes but parts replacements on a ejection seat kicks in a whole nuther level of maintenance.

Perhaps a recall?

If there were much more than 3,000 seats remaining I would be shocked, which unsurprisingly is roughly the number fighter jets in the entire US arsenal.


More of an intellectual exercise and curiosity of the number is all my interest holds.

Sometimes the real oddity is buried deeply in bull shit, I'm sure you would agree.


Looking for a pic and original source now.



OK done.

No pics but did find the specs on the seat, 1971 model. Martin Baker quote returns $5.6k on the Assm. I somehow doubt many of those are still being used. Ah well dead end and yeah someone is either having a bit of fun or completely crackers.


OR Uncle just bought a shit load of parts he will never use... why does that have the ring of truth.

Edited by Rhodes1968
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After looking at the so called camps here in Georgia, 2/3 of them appear to be active duty military installations like Fort Benning, Fort Gordon, Fort Stewart etc...these installations have no facilities available for mass internments as far as I'm aware. Others are deactivated military bases like Fort Mcpherson and Fort Gillem. Mcpherson I believe is actually being redeveloped into mixed use housing and retail as we speak.The rest are locations in rural South Georgia I have no knowledge of. So on this alone i call bullshit on all these places being FEMA concentration camps.


However, it wouldn't surprise me if such camps DO exist, or even that guillotines are being stockpiled. I put NOTHING beyond possibility when it comes to the criminals running this country right now...

Edited by Jpanzer
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Revelations 6:9


"And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:"


I have seen some texts use the word beheaded instead of slain.


I've noticed a couple of strange sites at Ft, McCoy that look like possible interrment camps. I'll have to do a little drive around base to see what they really are. Could be just vehicle maintenance, but it looks kinda like rows of tents.

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And there you have it.

Ok, I think that most of us, those not currently wearing tinfoil hats excluded, can agree that a secret is best kept by a small group of people. If there were that many damn camps being set up there would be some serious talk. If there is one thing construction workers love to do is gossip. Face it, if the Government has some uber secret agenda they are keeping it very well hidden. With all the black helicopters, and alien abductions going on they, the Government, doesn't have to worry about us learning they're secret. We are far to busy chasing rainbows and fucking unicorns.

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We had an explosive cable cutter on our UH-1 rescue hoists. If fired, the whole cutter system had to be replaced. The pilots fired it about 3 times when we were learning the system. The boxes that they come in are insane! 30"x30"x30" wood crate for something not much bigger than a deck of cards. But you never stick your finger/dick in the hole!

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