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Scott Kenny

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Everything posted by Scott Kenny

  1. Most people I know say that a fair fight is one you're willing to lose. If I'm afraid for my life, losing is not an option.
  2. You're right, it can. The reason that even the cops don't want false positives is that it only takes ONE case where the dog reacted to something that wasn't there and then they can't use a dog's reactions anymore. Just ONE case, and they lose a tool that lets them quickly sort through things that would normally take a couple days of dedicated searching. Just like there are contests for hunting dogs and tracking dogs, there are contests for police dogs. I've been around military working dogs, but the working dogs I've spent time with were all hunting dogs or assistance dogs (one of my
  3. Actually, they're likely to come down on him harder, because he was a cop. In a book I read long ago, there was a scene where the main character ends up staring down a hired assassin. Main character asks, "Are you going to kill me, too?" and the assassin answers, "No, this is a lesson. There must always be a witness to a lesson."
  4. I don't know of any DU rounds smaller than .50cal, so you should be safe cutting one open for examination. If you carve one up, wear a dust mask and vacuum ALL the shavings up, just in case. Uranium is non-magnetic, though. 62gr FMJ sounds like M855, but black tip is M995, which is supposed to be 52gr according to Wikipedia (haven't found any other sources citing weight). Based on this site: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/m993.htm The M995 has a pointed steel penetrator inside with what looks like airspace around it in the jacket. It *may* have a pointed penetrator core su
  5. "i took my beatings"....... Wow, it sounds like you think kids have some kind of an obligation to get their ass beat. You said "the bully deserved to have his ass severely beaten". Well, just who do you think was going to do that? Superman? Nobody was stepping up to help this kid or he wouldn't have had to go to extreme measures. Nobody is required to "take their beatings" or only match fists with fists if thats not enough to keep from getting beaten. The punk-ass bully got what was coming to him. he wasnt required i to match fists with fists but to pull a knife in a fist fight is a bitc
  6. That is a nice deal... Wonder if a gunstore would cut me a deal on a case of ammo like that...
  7. But it doesn't have a V8 in it, Nailbomb. Some people gotta have a V8.
  8. Ah. Explains a lot. (Not trying to be negative, honest) Just like your pets know when they've done something right, a working dog knows that if it smells (whatever), it will get rewarded. If it hits during training and there was nothing there, there's no reward (and usually some expression of disappointment/displeasure). The dogs get very good at only hitting when there really is something there. And they compete to see who's dog will find things fastest, go the farthest, etc. You also hear about the dog's trainers having to change their training programs sometimes. There was on
  9. i8 is governed to 160mph, it could go faster, but it's not like I'd ever have one over 85. Back to your Camaros (the styling is growing on me): You have 300+ net horsepower in a car a thousand pounds heavier, of course it's going to be faster than a car with 200+gross horsepower. I'm not trying to say the old Camaros are better (frankly, I'd love to take a modern Camaro's undercarriage and park an old Camaro body on it), I'm saying that the old cars are a lot lighter.
  10. You've never had working dogs, have you, Shooter? Labs or other Retrievers, pointers, setters?
  11. It doesn't help Mr. Olofson's case that the other dude said in testimony that Pardon the wiki copy/paste. The nasty point there is that according to the other guy, Mr. Olofson had an automatic weapon and HADN'T FIXED IT. I will bet you large dollars and my personal firearms collection (and further purchasing ability) that if Mr. Olofson had stopped as soon as the thing doubled, and went looking for parts to fix it, there wouldn't have been a problem from ATF. If he had told Kiernicki "that weapon is having a dangerous malfunction and needs to be fixed. NOW," then even if Kier
  12. $3 for a new tromix shepherd's crook. $4 for a plate. Think I will go for the plate for mine.
  13. Sheesh, I haven't seen a CMP Garand for under $400. I'd buy one in a heartbeat, my collection is missing a Garand!
  14. They're probably in Europe. Europe has serious standards for their diesel fuel, specifying minimum 'cetane' (think octane) for it to be sold. European diesel is 50+ cetane. American shit, excuse me, diesel is 14-24 cetane. So the Eurodiesels that get 60+ mpg over there can't even get 40mpg here in the US. Let's not even get started on how much weight in safety crap you have to add to a car. Hey, you guys with those new Camaros! How heavy are they? ~3600lbs or so, IIRC. A '67 Camaro? 2600lbs. I'll admit it, if I could afford the payments for one, I would buy a BMW i8. Yes,
  15. With every 'nose' dog I've ever seen, a hit is very obvious. The dog stops, and you'd better not have your foot between the dog's butt and the ground, or there's going to be 80lbs of dog on your foot! If this had been a real incident, I'd be screaming for that cop to be fired for abuse of authority. Since it was fake, I'm going to scream for the cops involved to be fired for misuse of property. (Assuming this wasn't something they did for a training film).
  16. Remington UMC is pretty cheap, usually. How much cheaper is this stuff?
  17. Well, let's use the old military watchstander rules. "Deadly force is the force a person knows or should know that has a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily harm. It's use is justified only under extreme necessity, when all other lesser means have failed or cannot be reasonably employed. Situations which warrant the use of deadly force include 1) Self-defense and the defense of others; [others redacted]" So, the kid that did the stabbing has been cutting class trying to avoid the now-dead, and has been changing his routes and routines trying to make himself a hard target
  18. Oh, one other weird thing about my old man's '94 (and possibly the '90): fiberglass (or other nonmagnetic material) tailgate.
  19. Weird, but if you can't take the rail off the handguard, I'd also go for the scout mount.
  20. As long as the weapon stays bone-stock and you don't get any 'non-sporting' magazines for it, 922r isn't an issue for your SAR-1. As I understand it, compliance is needed as soon as you take the weapon from a 'non-sporting' configuration, which includes high-capacity magazines. However, mere ownership of hi-cap mags is not considered a violation. Putting them in the weapon is. Personally, the farthest I would go towards using magazines for compliance would be making my own floorplates, so that I could then 'braille' them for ammo type. Otherwise, I would prefer to be compliant with
  21. Yeah. Though ironically, about half the stuff that goes into any case is more dollars than the firearms we're talking about!
  22. Ok, I'll bite: what's Ms. Banks done to deserve getting punched in the face?
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