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Everything posted by Koliadko

  1. I hope I'm not putting words in anyone's mouth but I think 1911 was talking about 'the time for which she was elected'. If she was elected from '06-'12 then she can't be appointed to a civil position and there's no 'disclaimer' saying she can resign.
  2. Congratulations to all of you!
  3. I wasn't going to do it but what the heck. I'll take 3557 as my 3rd number since I was a contributor before the game started.
  4. Might I have 1/2 that plus? He makes the sauce. I bottle it, label it, take the orders and pack it.
  5. I think that's just a wee bit over 5000.
  6. In the options box at the top of this thread, check 'standard'.
  7. It was a joke. I should have said "praise aller," that's how you'd say it if you were in alabama. Now that is just too funny!
  8. Happy Birthday J. Always helps to know someone who has attained the grand old age of 100! Here's lookin' at you kid!
  9. Thanks guys. This is one of the hardest things to deal with as you get older. She had a liver transplant about 12 years ago. From what I've read, life expectancy after that is 5 years so she did pretty good. I know she's in a better place now.
  10. I'm so sorry. I know it hurts when you lose a buddy like that. You, and him, are in my prayers.
  11. We had $9.99 cases of Busch Light not long ago. Speaking of prices, how's gas prices for y'all? Cheapest we have is $1.77.
  12. A good friend of mine, Vicki, passed away last night. If you guys could say a little prayer for her daughter, Amber, and her SIL Greg and her grandson, Eric, it would be very appreciated.
  13. Live here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennesaw,_Georgia
  14. Did you even look at this: http://forum.saiga-12.com/index.php?showtopic=29483
  15. I think I know enough about you. You are unwilling to do any research beforehand. It doesn't take much to see that 1) Esteban does good work and 2) He tends to run behind on his deadlines. I guess you don't like Police officers either, do you? Nasty little sticklers for the rules that they are. If you don't like to abide by the rules here, go play another game. Just so you know, I think he is wrong for setting up unrealistic delivery dates. But yo plays da game, yo takes yo chances. Either accept the refund or wait. Those are your only two choices.
  16. I think the guy might be a little on the loopy side. http://halturnershow.blogspot.com/ He's the same guy that was talking about the Amero.
  17. First off, the 'sword' was plastic. Second, when the day comes where we run this country based on what a bunch of idiots from other countries think of us is the day this country goes down the toilet. I figured out a long time ago, when I say something that pisses a liberal off, I've done my job well. They start frothing at the mouth when confronted with facts. That's when the name calling comes in.
  18. I'm four years away from 40. Unfortunately, it the other side. 40 isn't so bad. Really.
  19. You make an effort to sound like you understand business, when it is clear that you do not. If Cobra is taking more time then you feel acceptable to bring his product to market, just buy one of the many other available LRBHO's out there ... That not being an option, I guess that customers WILL wait on him to get his idea to market, unless someone beats him to the punch. That is always a risk that you take with exhaustive product development, as opposed to rushing it out and dealing with negative reviews and unhappy customers. In closing, your being a little dick about the matter is no
  20. Now if that ain't the truth. Except I never felt sorry. Too many people want to get rich quick and it doesn't usually happen that way. It takes time and hard work. Things these people weren't willing to do.
  21. I was all down with you until you said that. Hasn't anyone ever told you to be careful what you wish for? At least with Nobama, I know where I stand. Could you imagine Biden as prez, or Pelosi after that?
  22. Wow, if you go to the top of the page under agenda and look at Iraq, the page is blank. Wonder what that means? I guess whatever was there was what he ran on and now he'll put up what he really wants to do.
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