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Everything posted by IndyArms

  1. Why does the pistol grip/stock which looks to be all one unit, sit at a funky angle? and why does it look to be a right hand only stock? As it looks like you cant pull the trigger with a left hand...
  2. Thin slat of wood, one that fits between the spring, and will stay in place is a good option. Slide it up in between the coils, then restore the bottom plate. Simple, easy. Just gotta trim it to the correct length... nothing to it. Love the NECROTHREAD!!!!!!! HAHAHAH
  3. ok... so will someone please enlighten me about WHY I should give a fuck if my X39 ammo has an 8M3 bullet in it or not? Does it punch holes in paper better than others, meaning a true MATCH grade target bullet? Or is it an actual hunting grade bullet loaded in mil type ammo? Or ?? Seeing as how I load my own... I can tailor any load to do whats needed... and as I dont think I can buy 8M3 on their own... I am curious as to what the hoopla about them is.
  4. Called " Technician syndrome" ROFL!
  5. I was in 'Cuse today at a store called Ra-Lins. ( Pronounced RAY LINS) They had tons of .22LR in stock. Shorts, subsonics, hyper-velocity , and standard velocity from CCI, Remington bulk packs of 525 rounds. off brand packs of 50 rounds... even a shitload of Remington "yellow jackets" haven't seen them in ages!! shelves full!!!! Did I buy a single box??? NO FUCKING WAY! I REFUSE to pay 50 bucks for a 525 pack of shit Remington golden bullets. and I also refuse to pay 7.95 for a 50 round pack of CCI standard velocity. Eley target rounds... $24.50 for a 50 round pack!! WTF?!?!?
  6. I am SCARED of race cars now!!!!! They caused the DEATH of a human being!!!! I DEMAND that all race cars be banned!!!!! If we cant BAN THEM, then they must be LIMITED in power!!! They can have no more than a 100 CI displacement engine, and they MUST have fuzzy-foam bumpers 360 degrees around EVERY CAR ON EVERY TRACK!!!!!! Maximum speed will be no more than 20 MPH!!! and all cars must have a governor on their engine to guarantee this speed limit is adhered to!!!! Too many race drivers are killed by race cars!!!!! We MUST as responsible human beings make changes in this gruesome s
  7. Which president was THATCHER??? And umm... wasnt thatcher a WOMAN? Do you live in a world where the USA had a president Thatcher???
  8. I read this whole thread... and all I can think of is THIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evr_tP9cJWY I have no idea why.... but thats just where my mind goes... OH.... Whenever my mother comes over to visit... EVERY time I hear her turn on her KINDLE... it talks EXACTLY the same, and I have to play the video again, while HER kindle speaks... its rather amusing!!!! ROFL!
  9. Thats the BEST!!!! Stick it to the MAN, and then fuck him with it! AWESOME!!!!
  10. Have a wonderful and truly memorable Birthday, Tony!!!!
  11. I vote to keep the PSL... Oh, wait... that wasnt an option... umm... Then I guess I would have to settle for the VEPR 308. with the better wood. switch the wood NOW... so any future pics dont have someone down the road wondering why its got the bland wood on it... You will like the 308 MUCH better with the good wood, anyways...
  12. AH!! LOL ( And even if it was... its all good, I got pretty think skin! LOL ) Like I said I wasnt QUITE following you... and your explanation verified my thoughts on what you meant... and damn skippy!!!!! I agree!!!!
  13. Its in England... not sure how twisted up the british government system is... we KNOW how fucked OURS is...
  14. Just goes to show what eyelashes, lipstick and some cover up can accomplish... some are pretty good looking BEFORE... others are OMFG WTF before!!! ROFL!
  15. correct. The trigger group is even with the rear of the dust cover, like a factory saiga. Still... you asked for monte carlo stock... you got one. LOL ( yeah, yeah, I know it isnt with the trigger group moved forward!) As far as doing it with a CONVERTED saiga... or an AK... yeah... it would be a stretch for your finger. But yes, you COULD do it... Just wouldnt be really all that comfortable to shoot
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