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Plead guilty to murdering 6 and wounding numerous others and avoid the death sentence? WHAT THE FUCK...OVER? I bet the douchebag in Wisconsin will get a lesser sentence because he actually thought he was in a Batman movie. Our Criminal Justice system needs a serious overhaul. If the Motherfucker actually admits to the crime such as this, haul his ass out the back door to a rope and break his fucking neck with it! Lethal injection? These fuckers need to see a rope instead of a needle to put their asses to sleep IMO. Firing squad isn't an option, that's too quick unless you arm up a bunch of blind folks with FA weapons. Sorry, this shit just chaps my ass.


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The guy in WI. is deceased. The Colorado guy was in a movie.

My bad, I meant the Colorado fucktard. The LEO in Wisconsin stayed in the fight and smoked the shooter. Edit: I'm just too fucking mad to think straight.

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Worse than the deaths, the pain and suffering and the travesty of Justice... Is the fact that 'We the Taxpayer' shall now pay this animal's expenses for the rest of his life.

Hopefully he is killed by another animal.

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If you did that, you'd be violating their civil rights and it's also cruel and inhumane. I say stake the asshats out in a field, atop a BIG ant bed butt naked, pour a gallon of honey on them and let the critters take care of it, OR you could do what my grandfather told us they used to do to some people, drag'em off to the woods, find a stump about dick high, drop his drawers, drive a 10 penny nail through his dick and leave him with a razor blade and alcohol, he also used to go cain poling with drink bottles.

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I'm certain Gabby Giffords agreed to this. Mrs. Giffords probably wanting to put this tragic event past her.

Agreed to what? Letting him plead guilty to avoid the death sentence? She was an avid gunner and did CCW, just not on that fateful day. I'll guarantee she has that voice in her head saying, "If I was carrying that day"...

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The justice system pisses me off every time one of these assholes gets put away for life. If you ask me, the problem isnt guns, or whatever else they blame it on. Its the justice system. Who the fuck would be scared to commit a crime when you just go away to a hotel with hot meals, tv, library, health care, work out rooms, basketball courts, clean linen every day, what else can we think of.


Fuck that shit, America needs to go back to building gallows in every city nation wide. If convicted of murder you should be hung within 72 hours of conviction. Clean out the prison system and stop spending tax dollars to house killers. I dont care what everyone thinks of me. Its the hard truth.


Maybe just maybe these idiots would think twice before killing some one and if not, kill them back!

Edited by Chevyman097
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I'm certain Gabby Giffords agreed to this. Mrs. Giffords probably wanting to put this tragic event past her.

Agreed to what? Letting him plead guilty to avoid the death sentence? She was an avid gunner and did CCW, just not on that fateful day. I'll guarantee she has that voice in her head saying, "If I was carrying that day"...

A District Attorney normally consults with the victims before proceeding.

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I'm certain Gabby Giffords agreed to this. Mrs. Giffords probably wanting to put this tragic event past her.

Agreed to what? Letting him plead guilty to avoid the death sentence? She was an avid gunner and did CCW, just not on that fateful day. I'll guarantee she has that voice in her head saying, "If I was carrying that day"...

A District Attorney normally consults with the victims before proceeding.

I guess she must have sold her firearms and joined the rest of the flock of sheeple then. If it were me that got as fucked up as her, I'd request to put the dog down myself.

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Let me tell you why this travesty happens..........LAWYERS. These are the dregs of humanity. I'm not talking about the corporate or the handful of actual helpful attorneys but the majority of them live off the misery of others. Ever wonder why this country is so f**ked up?? The majority of politicians are lawyers. They create the problems and then legislate against the problems THEY created. Hell, dumbass in the white house is a lawyer that NEVER TRIED A CASE in his life. Go figure! This country has the highest per capita number of lawyers in the world. I saw a blurb on TV that we have more prisoners incarcerated than China. Wanna know why???? You F up there you get a bullet in the back of the head. End of problem.

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I saw a blurb on TV that we have more prisoners incarcerated than China. Wanna know why???? You F up there you get a bullet in the back of the head. End of problem.

Actually, they run Firing Squads but your surviving family gets billed for the ammo used. No shit. Nothing in the back of the head.

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As I suspected before I wrote my initial response:


"Avoiding a trial will allow us -- and we hope the whole Southern Arizona community -- to continue with our recovery and move forward with our lives," Kelly said.


Read more: http://www.azcentral...l#ixzz22uw318Vj

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I saw a blurb on TV that we have more prisoners incarcerated than China. Wanna know why???? You F up there you get a bullet in the back of the head. End of problem.

Actually, they run Firing Squads but your surviving family gets billed for the ammo used. No shit. Nothing in the back of the head.

Equally effective.

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Let me tell you why this travesty happens..........LAWYERS. These are the dregs of humanity. I'm not talking about the corporate or the handful of actual helpful attorneys but the majority of them live off the misery of others. Ever wonder why this country is so f**ked up?? The majority of politicians are lawyers. They create the problems and then legislate against the problems THEY created. Hell, dumbass in the white house is a lawyer that NEVER TRIED A CASE in his life. Go figure! This country has the highest per capita number of lawyers in the world. I saw a blurb on TV that we have more prisoners incarcerated than China. Wanna know why???? You F up there you get a bullet in the back of the head. End of problem.


I'm with that^ guy!


If politicians held professions such as Scientists and Doctors..."ethical" fields of study, things would be alot different!


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I'm certain Gabby Giffords agreed to this. Mrs. Giffords probably wanting to put this tragic event past her.

Agreed to what? Letting him plead guilty to avoid the death sentence? She was an avid gunner and did CCW, just not on that fateful day. I'll guarantee she has that voice in her head saying, "If I was carrying that day"...

A District Attorney normally consults with the victims before proceeding.


Gifford's husband put out a statement indicating both of them supported the plea deal while leaving room for dissenting opinions from other victims.

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This idiot is crazier than hell. Total mental scrambled eggs. We generally do not execute them when they are total bat shit crazy. In this lawyer centric world it is cheaper to warehouse them for life. A quick round to the brain stem would be cheaper - but that cannot happen as long as ambulance chasers are allowed to pervert the wheels of justice (and make good money doing it).

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The worst part about it all.....The sorry bastard actually admitted to the shrink, that he deserves to be executed for what he did!!!!!anger.gif



Sorry, but no. The worst part is that the POS will be in Involuntary Protective Custody or AdminSeg'd FOREVER, because he's another trophy for other inmates seeking notoriety.

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This is what happens in the sharing, caring PC bullshit world we now find ourselves in. If anybody thinks that keeping this fuck alive, getting 3 squares a day in his private cell will do any good needs to examined. Makes me change my opinion about the Gifford's booo.gif

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