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Instead of banning guns or further gun restriction. . .

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Obviously the little box you have to check on the ATF form stating that you are mentally stable is not working.


Seems like most recent gun crimes have been commited by people that are not considered mentally stable. How about we make it illegal to be mentally unstable?


This would solve the issue. Another redundent law could fix everything. The ATF could call it something catchey too. bad_smile.gif




Edited by liberty -r- death
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lolz, i read recently somewhere that the unstable used to be institutionalized (like batman movies, HRMMMMMMMMMMM, maybe they are onto someting) but some do gooder law got em all back on the streets to beg for change, steal our wallets, and cause general mayhe and disorder.


just need a ted nugent super pac to get on the boob tube and tell it like it is!!!

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Good idea, but the whole problem, ignored by liberal media, is simple. Our government has so many Irons in the fire that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. The different branches do not communicate with each other. One government agency declares a person Mentally unstable, and then a different agency is responsible for granting permission to own a firearm, and apparently, they aren't talking to each other.

There would still be no way to know if they are "Officially-whacked-out!" unless they check the box on the app.

Folks are brainwashed into thinking more laws will help, but it is the government themselves that are to blame for not doing their jobs, and allowing Kooks to buy guns.

How about making Idiotic Bueaucracy illegal???????

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A buddy of my from Bosnia told me that back home when a person would fill out paperwork for a gun purchase he or she would have to tgen go see a shrink to make sure there are no underlying problems. However, its easier to buy AK, RPGs and even AA rockets on the black market.

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A buddy of my from Bosnia told me that back home when a person would fill out paperwork for a gun purchase he or she would have to tgen go see a shrink to make sure there are no underlying problems. However, its easier to buy AK, RPGs and even AA rockets on the black market.


I wonder how many shrinks would classify me as nuts?

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There is NO way to stop a law abiding citizen from going to the criminal side(Dark Side if you prefer) until they actually commit the crime. In which case, ONLY "At the Moment" response can stop them.


The ONLY thing we need to ban is "Gun Free Zones" since that is where almost all of these "massacres" tend to take place.

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You can thank the ACLU for all the "looney bins" being shut down. They sued and were successful in their case that no one could be institutionalized unless they had committed a criminal act or were a danger to themselves or others. So if all you did was sit in a corner and mutter "REDRUM" under your breath, you were free to go... and since most of these places made a huge chunk of their change off of long term care, basically they went belly up. That's why we have face and brain eaters loose on us today, the precursors of the zombie race...

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Now that you guys mention it, we have shut down several of our mental hospitals too.


Sounds like the liberal left let out all of the loonies and now they blame us. Go figure.


I can say for certain that in NY they didn't just let them out. They let the correctional system deal with them, opening MHU, BHU, PSU units under the direction of OMH. It was a major political paper shuffle made by our present Governor's father while HE was Governor...... Once again duping the general public.

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You can thank the ACLU for all the "looney bins" being shut down. They sued and were successful in their case that no one could be institutionalized unless they had committed a criminal act or were a danger to themselves or others. So if all you did was sit in a corner and mutter "REDRUM" under your breath, you were free to go... and since most of these places made a huge chunk of their change off of long term care, basically they went belly up. That's why we have face and brain eaters loose on us today, the precursors of the zombie race...


Im sure thats the case, but I also saw firsthand, all across the country, how shitty these places were run. I have had family in them for decades, and have NEVER seen one where I could truly say the staff cared about curing the patients. Univerally their priority was doping innocent people practically into a coma so they would not be bothered with collecting the checks.

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I have a feeling that a "mental health" screening would include questions like..."Do you believe in God?", , "Do you distrust government?", or ... "Do you purchase more food than you can eat in a month?"


The latest anti-gun push is merely an attempt to distract from the real issues in the current presidential election.


Do you guys remember hearing about the black man who went on a shooting rampage in his workplace shortly after Obama's election? The story broke and was burried within hours. It must have been a useless story, at the time.


The mental hospitals were shit-holes, from my understanding, because there was no oversight, or public outrage against the mistreatment of patients.

Edited by Sim_Player
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Lots of good points mentioned illustrate the problem, what is the solution? It all comes down to money.

Florida (and most states I hear about) started privatizing mental hospitals, mental health care, and even prisons many years ago, usually the stated purpose is to save the taxpayers money.

It's weird how the idea is to privatize and save money, then within a few years it costs more than it did before, shareholders make big dividends, executives make huge salaries and huge bonuses.

We haven't had Democrats in charge of our legislature here for 20 years.

Every year mental health services, education, senior services and prisons are targets for budget cuts.

Privatized mental health providers works great for patients with insurance, what do we do about people who don't have it, don't want it, don't think they have a problem or need any help?

It is estimated that 6% of Americans have some type of serious mental illness, less than 1/3 are getting treatment of any kind.


Is there any reason to think gun owners are immune? Over 17,000 suicides by gun in 2007, over 46 on average per day.


If only 1% of 80 million American gun owners (low estimate) have serious mental illness, that's 800,000 who own guns in our country.


I don't know what the answer is, but I do know we have a big problem.

I damn sure don't want some government agency verifying my mental health before I can purchase firearms or ammo, or anything else that they might consider dangerous, that could turn into a long list.



There is NO way to stop a law abiding citizen from going to the criminal side(Dark Side if you prefer) until they actually commit the crime. In which case, ONLY "At the Moment" response can stop them.


The ONLY thing we need to ban is "Gun Free Zones" since that is where almost all of these "massacres" tend to take place.


Is there a way to stop a mentally ill person from purchasing or possessing guns, ammo, anything else that can do harm to others, without subjecting everyone to some kind of screening?

If not, we need to protect our selves and each other. Hard to predict when and where the next loony will choose to act, no where at anytime will be safe, especially "Gun Free Zones".


I pray for our country and the innocent, law abiding people who have been and will be victimized.

I for one will carry where and when I see fit, and avoid places that prohibit that.


If only 1% of 80 million gun owners are suffering from serious mental illness,

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Instead of more gun control the government should MAKE every law abiding citizen carry a gun..... the crime and shooting sprees would go down if the bad guys knew everyone on the outside had a means of defending themselves and would not allow themselves to become victims

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I have a feeling that a "mental health" screening would include questions like..."Do you believe in God?", , "Do you distrust government?", or ... "Do you purchase more food than you can eat in a month?"


The mental hospitals were shit-holes, from my understanding, because there was no oversight, or public outrage against the mistreatment of patients.


NO.......... It's more like, "Do you feel like hurting yourself?", "Do you hear Voices?" and my favorite, "Do you think other's are going to hurt you?"


No one is going to ask you if you're stockpiling food, or if you believe in God, and NO ONE trusts the government.


You may be delusional if you think those questions are relevant.


I deal with psychotic people on a daily basis. The questions you think "they" are going to ask.... the answers are obvious, so NOBODY askes.

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My OP was really a sarcastic play on how to solve the issue of gun related violence. eyes_droped.gif



There is no reason to further legislate this one. A law prohibiting menatally unstable people from purchasing firearms exists already.


I do like the idea of requiring every citizen to own a firearm. Would certainly make criminals think twice knowing everyone is armed. big_smile.gif

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"No one is going to ask you if you're stockpiling food, or if you believe in God...."


Don't count on that, they keep trying to sneak in mandatory church attendance thru Congress. So far it's been shot down every time, but all it takes is once to start a whole other shit storm.


Seriously, if everyone would just worry about themselves a bit more and less about what law abiding citizens are doing/owning, we'd all be better off.

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The liberal scum tried to pull the mental health trick on firearms a few years back. It's a dangerous game.


They want mental health checks and tools to make it easier to take weapons away from the people who wont let America fail.


All they would have to do is say you are an unstable right wing fanatic and you could possibly be unstable.


The laws are already there, if you flipped out in the past... no more guns. Simple.



Their game is to threaten to take 100 percent of your shit so they can easily chip away and get 10 percent of your shit. TIME TO REVERT THE GAME.


Let's push for full autos and hand grenades and they might settle with giving us three round burst on the store shelves. Fuck em.





HOLLYWOOD is what needs to be regulated. Boycott their sick, twisted, satanic rituals they call movies. Don't support them! I blame the liberals in Hollywood for all the gun violence. Movies and video games make people mentally unstable. Look at all the bloodshed and violence, perversion and evil.


Want less gun violence? Regulate the media.

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The liberal scum tried to pull the mental health trick on firearms a few years back. It's a dangerous game.


They want mental health checks and tools to make it easier to take weapons away from the people who wont let America fail.


All they would have to do is say you are an unstable right wing fanatic and you could possibly be unstable.


The laws are already there, if you flipped out in the past... no more guns. Simple.



Their game is to threaten to take 100 percent of your shit so they can easily chip away and get 10 percent of your shit. TIME TO REVERT THE GAME.


Let's push for full autos and hand grenades and they might settle with giving us three round burst on the store shelves. Fuck em.





HOLLYWOOD is what needs to be regulated. Boycott their sick, twisted, satanic rituals they call movies. Don't support them! I blame the liberals in Hollywood for all the gun violence. Movies and video games make people mentally unstable. Look at all the bloodshed and violence, perversion and evil.


Want less gun violence? Regulate the media.




I want a world where violence is dirty, and sex is clean!

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All well and good, but how do we keep firearms out of the hands of crazies?

Many of the recent shootings involved recent purchases.

If we want a voice in the outcome, we, (law abiding firearms owners) need to come up with some solutions.

If we are not part of the solution, we become part of the problem.

If we don't act now, others will act for us.

It's like divorce court, if the two parties can't reach an amicable agreement, a judge will probably come up with a solution neither party likes.


I too want a world where violence is dirty, and sex is clean!

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All well and good, but how do we keep firearms out of the hands of crazies?



The answer is... YOU CAN'T! Just like you can't stop a crazy fucker from buying a 5 gallon jug of gas and killing dozens of people. You can't stop a crazy fucker from taking prozac, drinking and then driving a car into a family on their way to church. You can't stop a crazy fucker from stealing a weapon and hurting themselves or others. YOU CAN'T STOP A SANE MAN FROM GOING BAT SHIT CRAZY. PEOPLE SNAP.


I's not our job to play mind police. Normal people do not need to be screened to see if they fit some kind of bullshit cookie cutter mold in order to own a firearm. People just go fucking nuts at random. The criminally insane and terminally insane already have their rights stripped from them.


should you be sane to drive a car? how do we control that? we don't... Don't give into their bullshit. We do not need sanity police telling us we are good to go or not.


Gun sanity laws are just a trick used by the vile scum in order to classify their opposition as insane and take their weapons. DON'T LIKE HITLER? YOU MUST BE INSANE? DISTRUST MOTHER GOVERNMENT? YOU MUST BE INSANE! GIVE ME YOUR PROTECTION!


As far as any new gun laws, they can all go to hell.

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All valid points Stryker, who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?

A society that screened everyone and controlled/predicted their behavior like some sci fi movie is not my idea of America, not a place I or my family and friends want to live in.

Are our people just so screwed up? I keep hearing how Switzerland has higher per capita firearms, mostly assault rifles, with much lower crime. How do they do it, is there some lesson to be learned from them?

They issue every male (maybe they do a psych screen?) an assault rifle, compulsory military service. Is this the answer?

I hear people say the media covers stuff too much, but also that the media covers up too much.

My Dad used to say, "Just figure they are all crooks (He meant EVERYBODY!) and go from there!"


I tell my students situational awareness is key, it can keep you out of dangerous situations, but it's getting to the point that no place is safe.

We want to go to a concert later this month. I've never liked crowds. My better half gets freaky about me carrying all the time, and the venue has a no weapons policy, heard they have metal detectors.

If I go, I'll feel naked. I just want to have a good time, enjoy Carlos Santana, not worry about getting attacked or trampled if something happens.

Thanks crazy people!

Edited by wearefla
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