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Car Alarm, Wasp Spray & Kissing Ass, Not Biden's Doublebarrel

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Yes folks, these are the tools you need to effectively protect your family/property.





NBC’s 3 Steps for Home Invasion Defense: Use Wasp Spray Illegally, Treat Invader ‘Like Royalty’ and Don’t Own a Gun
Sep. 13, 2014 1:22pm Mike Opelka

According to FBI crime statistics quoted by NBC’s TODAY Show, home invasions in America are happening at the alarming rate of 135 per day.

That frightening fact combined with some recent, high profile invasions at the homes of Oscar-winner Sandra Bullock and NBA star Ray Allen prompted reporter Jeff Rossen to produce a segment titled,  “How to protect your family from home invasion.”

For a large part of the four-minute story, Rossen spoke with Wallace Zeins, a retired NYPD detective and former hostage negotiator.

The law enforcement veteran shared his tips for thwarting home invasions. However, many Blaze readers will notice something missing from the segment.

This would also be something they consider the first and best option for dealing with intruders — firearms.

The option of using a gun to protect yourself in a home invasion is never mentioned during the TODAY Show story.

NBC’s advice seems to contradict suggestions made by Vice President Joe Biden.

On more than one occasion, Biden has told Americans (including his wife) that a shotgun is the best tool for frightening off would-be intruders.

Over 18 months ago, the vice president shared his “get a double-barrel shotgun” advice with Parents magazine.

During a 2013 town hall meeting in California, Biden again advised people to choose a shotgun — this time over a semi-automatic AR-15, stating, “Well, you know, my shotgun will do better for you than your AR-15, because you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.” (Biden’s thoughts on a shotgun being better protection than an AR-15 were refuted by gun experts.)


What tips did NBC’s segment give viewers to block the bad guys?

The TODAY Show expert told viewers to prepare themselves for intruders by having two items next to their beds:

  • Car keys
  • Wasp Spray

How can car keys keep you safe? The former NYPD detective suggested keeping car keys on the night stand for easy access to an alarm. In case you hear someone breaking in, Zeins advises pushing the alarm button on the key fob. 

He did not mention a solution for high-rise apartment dwellers or those who their park cars beyond the normal range of the key fob transmitter (some of these key fob remotes become useless beyond 20-30 feet).



The second intruder defense item the TODAY Show suggests you keep close to your bed — wasp spray.


Image: Screen capture NBC.com

Zeins claimed that wasp spray is as effective as pepper spray.

A Seattle family would argue that Zeins’s advice was wrong. In December of 2013, Ken Boonstra tried using wasp spray to fend off a man who had broken into their home and was attacking his wife. The spray did not stop the attack; only a well-placed and very sharp steak knife was effective in ending the conflict.

TheBlaze found several “prepper” websites and online stores that sell “prepper” supplies that advise against using wasp spray or bear spray. These groups state that bug spray is rarely as useful as pepper spray and there are also possible legal complications involved in using wasp spray as a weapon.

Spraying an intruder with a neurotoxin-laced bug spray is a violation of Federal law. Additionally, Spectracide’s “Wasp & Hornet Killer” tells the consumer, “Never use indoors.” These two warnings are printed at the very top of cans of wasp spray.


Image: TheBlaze



Should a beeping car alarm or wasp spray fail to prevent a home invasion, the NBC report suggests being polite and directing the bad guys to your cash and valuables.

The former detective told Rossen, “You want to treat them like royalty.” He added, “On top of that, you don’t want to lie to them.”




Watch the segment.

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Edited by ChileRelleno
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Sorry Chili, but I have recommended "wasp spray"and also the big ass can of "bear spray" to women that can not legally carry a firearm. Yep, the wasp spray may get your ass in trouble if used, and the bear spray, I can't tell you the number of ones here that tell me "we ain't got no bears in Alabama" but OH YES WE DO.

 With the wasp spray, if they don't get medical attention VERY quick, they will go blind for life, which, Hey, I don't have a problem with, the bear spray, I've never tried, and don't want to, but if it comes down to them or me, I'd spray anything I had in their eyes, or on them to stop them.

 The guy's grand daughter in the muffler shop next door to me asked me which gun she should buy, when I found out she was only 17, I told her, if she got caught with it, she'd go to jail, then told her about wasp spray and bear spray, after their trip to Gattlinburg Tn last month, she came back and showed me a big ass can of bear spray, ain't nothing illegal about that, and we do have bears here. But nothing can take the place of 13-15 rounds 155 grains of GDHP in .40 caliber, fired in rapid succession. 

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Hugely irresponsible to suggest these ineffective defenses. Advice like that will get people killed.


There have been crime scenes with blood all up and down the floors and walls from victims who tried and failed to fend off their attackers. They went far beyond car keys and bug sprays to try to defend themselves and they are dead now.


Firearms are the very best defense against a home intruder. The best chance to survive.

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Though not ENTIRELY on subject..... the wasp spray reminded me of an interesting defense mechanism a cartel kingpin made in Central America I got to see, back in my Army days:


 He took one of those electronically activated solenoids they use in doorbells to ring a chime and somehow had a bee hive ("Killer bees", I think) around it. I'm speculating that he might have somehow put a queen killer bee in an attached housing on it and let the bees build the hive around it, but I'm just guessing. When a button was pushed, the solenoid rattled the hive and the bees swarmed out, mad as hell. It was placed not too far from a main gate.

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SO---- instead  of contaminating you home with a small piece of lead, that can easily be removed without polluting your home, he wants you to use a chemical poison that requires a professional HASMAT team to clean up before you can come back to your home?


Wasp and hornet spray is OK outside, even for self defense (especially when used in conjunction with a bic lighter) it is irresponsible to recommend it's use indoors!

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 With the wasp spray, if they don't get medical attention VERY quick, they will go blind for life, which, Hey, I don't have a problem with, the bear spray, I've never tried, and don't want to, but if it comes down to them or me, I'd spray anything I had in their eyes, or on them to stop them.

I hate to say it, but the way things are now I could see an attacker sue if he got sprayed with wasp spray and went blind.  What's even scarier is that he might actually win. 

What's wrong with pepper spray?

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This is all good stuff. I'm all for it. If the liberal population follows the television like it's their all knowing G-d, then natural selection will finally be put back into play and perhaps we will see the world evolve as it should.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of good people out there who actually watch shit like this on television and believe it. They are addicted to the boob tube and need to kill their television.

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 With the wasp spray, if they don't get medical attention VERY quick, they will go blind for life, which, Hey, I don't have a problem with,


So he'll go blind after he kills you and your family.  That is a great comfort.

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Wasp spray, pepper spray... You come in my house unwanted I'll beat you with the fucking house cat if that's what it takes to I can get my gun. And when peta cross about that I'll beat the next mother fuckers with one of them peta assholes just so the cat don't feel left out.

Point is in self defense there are no illegal weapons at the moment of dures.

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why will it only works on WASP's? how come not Catholics?

It does work on Catholics and Jehovahs witness.........


Answering the door butt naked usually works for the Jehovahs too. 015.gif


Edit: Just noticed it was Gaddis making that suggestion.. So never mind. He would suggest going shopping naked to use up expired coupons.


Guy down the road got himself a registered sex offender for doing just that, exposing yourself to a minor is a pretty serious crime. Keep your clothes on and either ignore the knocking or tell them your not interested.


Another bright guy up in town dumped a bucket of water on a couple baptists, ended up getting 5+ years in state prison for it.

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Guy down the road got himself a registered sex offender for doing just that, exposing yourself to a minor is a pretty serious crime. Keep your clothes on and either ignore the knocking or tell them your not interested.


Another bright guy up in town dumped a bucket of water on a couple baptists, ended up getting 5+ years in state prison for it.


First one is a sure bet, second I have a hard time believing. 

Assault? Sure I can see a prosecutor making that stick, but felony.

C'mon there'd have to be a lot more to the story.

I tried several searches for that and can't find anything, got a cite for that?

Edited by ChileRelleno
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I recall reading it in the local paper (Deland beacon) a few years back when I was getting it, so I doubt it would be covered in an online format.

I don't recall if it was deemed a hate crime due to past actions, or if the guy was on probation for something else.. It just seemed like a rather long sentence.


I stopped getting the Beacon after I noticed a pattern of incorrectly reported crimes, they seemed to try to find fault in the police rather than the criminal.

So good chance he dumped the bucket on them and then beat them with the bucket and the reporter just left that part out.


It was not any kind of big story, probably on the last page of local news and maybe a paragraph long story.. It never made the TV.



That said. Forget the wasp spray and get pepper spray. And when checking out a noise having pepper spray on you does give you a less lethal option rather than just the pistol or shotgun.

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