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Status Updates posted by Paulyski

  1. Boy oh boy.... Thanks, Liberals! Sure glad I get to get Obamacare, so I can now be force to get coverage for Maternity care.. Just in case I get surprised and piss a kid out of my pecker some Day! #WINNING :/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGeSpWfOqIY

    1. SaigaKen


      You can only be fined from your income tax refund....Adjust your W2 to break even and the POS can not collect

    2. Mullet Man

      Mullet Man

      Hi Pauly, best friend buddy old pal lol.

    3. YOT
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  2. Burnin' the midnight oil in the shop...

    1. Paulyski


      Just hit a record!


      Did 4 IceRacks, 7 GlassBolts& 1 vertical charging handle & shipped the 7 units in 1 36 hour day...


      I think I'm about to drop dead now....

    2. gregomega


      well deserved man.

  3. Can apparently control market values simply by typing.

    1. Paulyski


      Or at least control what people think their time is worth.

    2. VaiFanatic90


      I need you to make some penny stocks more valuable.

  4. Cats... They're cute, soft & furry little sadistic sociopaths. They're happiest when they're killing slowly as they toy with & torture their victims. The greatest gift they feel they can give us is a corpse... Mine has a double dose of all this... Evil Kitty.

    1. Paulyski


      Ahhh... Just keep catfood where they can find it & they'll likely be back

    2. 22_Shooter


      I remember when I was little, the family cat dragging a giant crow onto the back porch and dropping it at my mom's feet, in a very "Here, this is for you!" type manner.

    3. psl sniper

      psl sniper

      the cat i had in high school was awsome almost as big as a poodle. he used to leave rabbits on the front porch, then go munch his cat food. nicest damn cat we ever had.

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  5. CHRIMANY!!! Yesterday I chase off prowlers with my AK, now today my Business account gets hacked & people from The Bronx NY to Tracey CA are trying to go Christmas shopping on my card.... Merry Christmas... Keep your ammo dry.

  6. Clinton signed us into WTO & Bush did nothing to slow jobs from flowing overseas... Yet both parties blame eachother for it & they're all funded by the same huge corporate financiers.... WTF... I can't be the only one at a loss for a "civil" solution here... Maybe it's about time for the people to REALLY reign in government.

    1. Paulyski


      Watching this 2 headed propaganda machine that ultumately derives from the same sources in action every 2 years just pisses me off immeasurably. A bunch of fucking deceitful manipulating propagandists!

      They're actions just say "Fuck the truth, just keep the citizenry a bunch of idiots!"

    2. paprotective


      If we'd go back to 1776 and fighting for rights we'd almost be better off..

    3. Klassy Kalashnikov
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  7. Crimany, that was a lot of E-mails... But I'm caught up!!! Wooo-Hooo!!!!

  8. Cute flirtatious little redhead @ gas station... We talk a bit.... She seems like fun.... I ask if she wants to go out for drinks... She says "I don't have ID". I say "What? You drive.?." She says "No, I mean fake ID." I card her... Yes. I card her... Sure enough, she's not legal... No... I mean REALLY NOT LEGAL. =:o DOUGH!!!! *I back out slowly*

    1. swells08


      lol...hey at least you were accepted. That always makes ya feel nice.

    2. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      This is an occasion for a "count down" clock if I ever saw one Paul! There has to be one available somewhere on the internet....



    3. Shandlanos


      If you were "backing out" maybe you already committed a felony? :P

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  9. Damn I'll be glad latter on today when all these divisive 30 second empty political propaganda sound bytes are over for another 20 months...

    1. Paulyski


      Just dropped my ballot off...

    2. Roan


      20 months? You sure are optimistic. Things will kick off a good 12 months before that election.

  10. doesn't want to judge, but after currently seeing my best friend's girl lose everything, including my little defacto-niece to hard drugs, I just gotta say, if you do hard drugs & you have kids, you're an unforgivably selfish pile of shit who deserves all the worst that life has to offer.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. bigbadj


      So fucking high and mighty you are..walk in another man's shoes. since you like to bring up glass....How's the view from your glass house? It's easy to play arm chair qb in someone else's life aint it..Asshole...Happy Holidays

    3. Paulyski


      If you choose this;



      Over this;




      then you get what you deserve.


      It's not my job to pity others who hurt the defenseless out of pure selfishness.

      It's my job to show them the damage they're doing.


      Get off the hard shit bro... Stick to weed.

    4. Juggernaut


      I can't move this to F.C. so to keep things off our front page..I'm gonna lock it... and let it pass... please feel free to continue in F.C..

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  11. Dogsitting for the weekend for the folks while they steam through Puget Sound & up to Victoria Island B.C. "Sox" Is now 16 years old, still 130 lbs, but can't walk too well. Strange seeing my old friend that I knew from a pup as an old man.

    1. Paulyski


      Yeah, the guy's about deaf, has trouble walking, takes pain meds & seems to be having vision trouble, but still the same happy-go-lucky pooch as always.


      These are a Godsend for the big guys when they get older.




      It'll be going home with him.



    2. protected static

      protected static

      Pauly, I had no idea such a thing existed... Thanks for the link - our 17-yr-old Lab/Pit will appreciate it.

    3. Paulyski


      No problem, that's why I posted the link.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  12. DOWNLOAD, SUPPORT, AND BUY, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!! These are some local cats. They're as real as real is. No bullshit. They don't front. Real as real is. Hell... They even played for Simon (Gypsy Jokers)... Not to mention, they fuckin' ROCK!!!! http://www.reverbnation.com/lowdown503/songs

    1. SaigaKen


      Got a little Staind/System of a Down/311/Linkin Park/Flaw influence....

    2. SaigaKen


      And a little Rage Against the Machine

  13. Enough insanity here... Off to deal with more of it in person...

    1. chevyman097


      insanity? Shit man, stupid is killing the world! its all around us! We have to band together and soon!

  14. Every year, around this time, I feel it's a good idea to assess my life, see how it's going compared to past years. If not going better, it's time to re-assess plans, strategies, & approaches...

    1. VaiFanatic90


      Makes sense. I should maybe do the same, but it seems my life gradually gets better, even when there are bad times.

    2. 22_Shooter


      Good thinking, Pauly. I'm the same way.


      I don't understand why more people don't take a moment to do the same. Instead, they just keep going in circles of the same bullshit.

  15. For those who've not YET to be tested, and those who are still unaware.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRJ99wuV1ng

  16. Fuck you spammer!

  17. Getting batches of long lost email notifications...

  18. Getting to 50 back emails.

    1. YOT


      Welcome, stranger.

    2. Paulyski


      MIA for a reason.

      Catching up.

      No time for the web.

      Thanks though.


  19. GlassBolt & IceRack just got even better! More reliable AND more beautifully finished! Pauly's Stoked!

    1. Paulyski


      Oh hell-yeah!


      My Rifle GlassBolts are spectacular.


      I pattern the profile after the true AK bolt to get rid of all the squared edges that Izmash leaves.


      The end result's really nice.


      I can IceRack anything...


      Someone's even supposed to send me a chainsaw bar to do for a chainsaw he's customizing.

    2. Paulyski


      I do a hell of a job on 410s & S-20s too.


      The bolt in the triangle to the left in this pic is from an S-20;


      http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz68/Paulyski/S-12 Bolts/GlassBolts008.jpg

    3. lbsrdi


      Looks good man, I'm thinking about a 410 soon, I think, too many choices. Bolts look damn good.

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  20. Got done testing an S-12, 2 sets of the last internela I'll EVER repair (sorry guys, don't fuck up) & 2 AKs.... Learned something... When an AK mag tag says "this drum will set your handguard on fire" that's NOT a sales pitch. It will. Thankfully I keep a 24 pack of water in the trunk.

    1. Squishy


      Or you could have done like the boys did in "We Were Soldiers" when the mortars overheated, piss on it. It's stank though..

  21. Great.... Some dickhead's shooting up Clackamas Town Center mall in my area.... Let the 2A attacks begin.

    1. Paulyski
    2. thebuns1
    3. Shandlanos


      It's a nice mall. My GF used to work there... I was there about two months ago, with her, and her 4-year-old son - he loves the koi pond downstairs, kept running around greeting all the fish.

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  22. Great.... Some Somali shit-bird named Muhammad Muhammad tried to plant a fake bomb that the FBI gave him at a Christmas tree lighting celebration downtown Portland at Pioneer Courthouse Square yesterday.... Guess the law abiding citizens will lose more rights out of fear.... Time to molest more nuns & toddlers so we aren't accused of profiling...

    1. tim2shu


      Would u like it better if he had learned it from a real terrorist and really pulled it off

    2. Paulyski


      He was contacted by the FBI.

      Of course the initial contact had "issues" with the recording equipment, so we'll never really know who's idea it was.


      I'd rather a hard case without so man holes of FBI agents doing all the planning & preparations, if this shit is going to be used as an excuse to take more of MY rights away & restrict ME more, as it already is about to do.


      Portland's using this as an excuse to ramp up security everywhere....

    3. Paulyski


      I carry, so I will be scrutinized more & firearms will be restricted from public events where I might like to go.

      Dollars to doughnuts, the kid wouldn't have pulled shit off.


      This is just the next shot of fear in your arm to keep you saying Baaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh as they take more rights that YOU PERSONALLY never deserved in the first place away.

      Fucking sheep.

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  23. Hang in there ChileRelleno. Family's what life's all about. Our condolences for this trying period brother.

  24. Happy Birthday Chupa!!

    1. Paulyski


      Erin Go Braugh!!!

  25. Happy Hanukkah!!!

    1. David Mark

      David Mark

      Blessed are you, Lord, our God, sovereign of the universe

      Who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us

      to light the lights of Hanukkah.


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