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Everything posted by XdamagedX

  1. I thought the factory rear stock was the disposable soft-faced hammer for bashing things like that?
  2. Thanks everybody. I'm always willing to listen to a more experienced person in this fields opinion, especially a guy who shoots guns. Pictures when the magazine arrives.
  3. Some may or may not know I'm a tattoo artist. Yesterday I got personal confirmation that I'm working in the right direction. I sent in a few pictures of my work to a relatively new Tattoo magazine, needless to say they got accepted. I have a few issues on their way to my house... very cool! On top of that, we also had a local TV crew come in for a series they're doing on showing some of the local businesses... no news yet on when that'll be showing, but more details and pictures to follow
  4. I was "like"ing every post but decided it would be better to just say every post thus far has been a good answer
  5. So, I totaled another car, maybe f-bodies aren't my "thing", as sad as I am about ruining another car I personally built, I'm glad nobody got hurt

    1. Squishy


      Sorry to hear this, 4th Gen F-bodies are my fav, did have 4, now just have 2.

    2. Dad2142Dad


      Well atleast you picked a good name

  6. unfortunately I've done the same thing, I pawned it off on a 20g owner for a super deal.
  7. The rear stock is mostly similar to a stamped AK, front is a little more challenging.
  8. I think tie downs are another personal preference. Personally I go without, it gives just a little more freedom of movement. With a few pound pistol and mag weight holding it down, it's not going anywhere. AND.... you can always buy whichever holster without them and if you decide you can always buy them later.
  9. I'm pretty sure it was propaganda for the "new" planet of the apes movie when it came out.
  10. As much as I love socializing with my s-12 friends, I'm not a big fan of having that many people CRAMMED into that size of a range
  11. I'd be willing to bet (in the situation of "all guns being banned") they'd be the last to go based on one simple rule: Money makes the world go 'round. Their last battle for gun confiscation against the people who probably have all kinds of money to buy toys like that, probably have sufficient money to help sway their mind... I'm not sure if I got my point out in that short rambling...
  12. On occasion I use my Galco Miami (classic?). I WAS wearing it daily, but I now work in a slightly safer neighborhood. I tried Bianchi's equivalent and it didn't feel right and it seemed somewhat cheaper made (as far as the harness was concerned). It's one of those things that's kinda hard to "try on" in a shop because you've got to assemble it all together. I also had to walk around for a few days with it and re-adjust it a little bit, but became VERY comfortable with it on. It's a Very nice way to carry a larger pistol. The one I have keeps a full size 1911 tucked away so good that I've had p
  13. 5 years ago I got married, who would have ever thought I'd del with her crazy ass this long... and more amazing: who would have ever thought she would deal with me

    1. weaponx


      congrats on your 5 years together.

    2. Squishy


      It's good to have someone to walk beside you...Congrats.

  14. The XDs is a single stack, which makes it a much slimmer/carry-able pistol
  15. I've got one of the decent sized (26 rifle?) Winchester safes from TSC. The electronic keypad seems well enough, I've never had any problems with it. While researching buying it, I ran across a link saying theres a handful of the same style that will fit with minimal modification...obviously some cheaper and some more reliable than others. I also looked at the Cannon(?) ones that TSC sells and went with the Winchester for a couple reasons. I read that the Cannons keypad goes through batteries slightly faster than Winchester. The Cannon ones also seemed a little more "cheaply manufactured" as f
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