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When SHTF, what gun will you have in your hands

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"For me, i have no clue i would try to carry everything i had for lack of decision"

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Yes, i added this last one because i couldn't help it.


And ill define a good apocalypse scenario because of the requests,


Zombies with the help of aliens have formed an oppressive totalitarian government, slowly but swiftly forcing the human population of the world into slavery, and their forces are approaching your city for their evil enslavement stuff, they consist of waves of regular zombies and zombies possessed by aliens that are intelligent and operate small arms and grenades.

Edited by Nailbomb
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This topic pops up quite often here and ends up being an AR vs AK or caliber argument. Is SHTF referring to Zombies, a North Korean-Chinese invasion, or another ice age? Different situations and expected ranges warrant different weapons utilized.

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whatever you have trained with should be fine. ak for me simply because if it came down to engaging targets that would be my job, with my old lady running hd with my 12 ga. pump, I would probably have the 9mm on my side as well in case I run out. Now leaving the house to head for safer pastures I would have every gun I own locked and loaded in my car which the last time I checked only took me 3 minutes.


It all depends on the situation, my scenario would be alot different from say living in the country.but a good semi-auto rifle is always the way to go when out in the open, pistols are just backup for when you run out or dont have fresh mags. I also split my ammo between my house and my parents since we share calibers.

Edited by dashowdy
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This topic pops up quite often here and ends up being an AR vs AK or caliber argument. Is SHTF referring to Zombies, a North Korean-Chinese invasion, or another ice age? Different situations and expected ranges warrant different weapons utilized.


I know, super weird.....I feel like the only one that wants the FAL when this topic comes up.


So for me FAL and a Glock.

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This topic pops up quite often here and ends up being an AR vs AK or caliber argument. Is SHTF referring to Zombies, a North Korean-Chinese invasion, or another ice age? Different situations and expected ranges warrant different weapons utilized.


No doubt.


I voted saiga rifle, just because I'm enamored with my shiny new 5.45..


But really, the situation is what will determine the strategy, which in turn determines the tactics and tools. I'm often surprised by people who have a one-size fits all mindset and who hold up a weapon and say "This is for when the SHTF."


If the situation is zombies, or some type of civil unrest where seemingly everyone ends up being a target, then I like my choice of 5.45 and 45rd mags. I try to stay roughly out of sight, and won't engage targets unless I have to, and I expect that to be within 150m.. all the while, trying to worm my way the hell out of dodge and out into the middle of a national park somewhere.


Any sort of foreign invasion, and I use an AR .. it is the American rifle, and during a foreign invasion I'm going to be allying myself with local civilians and U.S. military. Sharing ammo and mags is important.


Ice age? I guess I use a shotgun, and one shell on myself.

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This topic pops up quite often here and ends up being an AR vs AK or caliber argument. Is SHTF referring to Zombies, a North Korean-Chinese invasion, or another ice age? Different situations and expected ranges warrant different weapons utilized.


I know, super weird.....I feel like the only one that wants the FAL when this topic comes up.


So for me FAL and a Glock.


Oh heck no. I'd grab my FAL in pretty much any REAL scenario where I'm not artificially handicapped by "you can only take one" rules.


For example, in the zombies scenario in my last message, I'd want a 308 strapped on my back too. The 5.45 gets me out of the populated areas where I need to fight many attackers at shorter ranges. The .308 is for if/when I make it to the forest and need more pop against large game and will be able to engage enemy targets at longer distances.

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Are we only supposed to consider guns that we have? What about guns that aren't for sale to civilians yet? You might want to also have an option for non-Saiga AKs. Right now I would choose my 7.62 Saiga.

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I think something that could put food on the table and threats on the ground would be ideal, also something that is easy enough to carry, so I'd go with my 7.62x39 mak-90, also i'd bring my p229 or g23 with two barrels. I would've chosen my saiga 12 but carrying it and ammo would be over weight limit for fast travel.

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Not enough information on the type of scenario, but I'll play. It would be the .44 mag Ruger stainless revolver. Ultra reliable in all conditions, fairly concealable, less weight than a long gun, will take down man or beast.

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If the shtf happens Mon-Fri 7-5 or Sat 7-2 then the gun in my hands will most likely be a kahr cw9 unless I happen to go to Jersey at that time (cant carry there) at which point ill only have what's in my trunk. Ear protection, baseball bat and 2 bottles of vodka!

Edited by Arik
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If the shtf happens Mon-Fri 7-5 or Sat 7-2 then the gun in my hands will most likely be a kahr cw9 unless I happen to go to Jersey at that time (cant carry there) at which point ill only have what's in my trunk. Ear protection, baseball bat and 2 bottles of vodka!


I got lost in Camden NJ once on my way to the Tweeter center to see Ozfest because we cheaped out and took the Walt Whitman instead Of paying $2 for the Ben Franklin bridge. I never made that mistake again. In that hell hole you should have a Wart Hog Gatlin attached to your car!


I chose my S-12, because I do not yet own a Saiga rifle, but I will!

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I think for most of us, our CCL weapon will be the first weapon in hand when SHtF. That then gets us to our vehicles/home to the larger weaponry.


So for me, it will likely be a 1911 style Llama .380 or Taurus PT145 that gets me to my RPK or Bullpupped S12(whichever is running at the momment).

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Camden is loads of fun. The city has been bankrupt for like 30 years they just laid off 1/2 the police force. I was there last year for a work related bankruptcy court. Yea you pretty much need to go in with battalion strength. Trenton isn't much better. And im there weekly. Fun places. Both look like shtf/ apocalypce/ TEOTWAWKI/ Zombie outbreak has already happened there

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Because of where I live and what I do for a living, I pretty much always have an SGL within reach, and another one ready to go in the gun safe. If I can make it to the safe, I've got lots of other goodies to choose from. I would love to be able to answer that I would reach for my Saiga 12 first, but the difference in round count is just too great.

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Seriously, this topic is lacking.


What level SHTF are we talking?

There's many different things that would call for different measures.





Chineese military cresting the hillside & we're moving to guerrilla warfare?


AK or PSL battle-rifle.



Katrina like situation where a bunch of desperate fuckers are looting & blackwater is disarming people?


Dress like Mr. Magoo with a tweed sportcoat to ensure a non-threatening, respectable appearance & conceal a Glock 17.





L.A. Riots & you live just up Wilshire from South-Central in a multi-million dollar high rise condo like my Aunt & Uncle did during the riots?


Women on the roof doing fire watch, able bodied men around the building's parimeter with shotguns & men with high powered rifles in upper units to provide a longer range deterrent.

This is what they actually did & THAT'S the reason the LA riots stayed away from the more affluent areas that are only a matter of several blocks away.




In the path of riots where a mob of hundreds that want to lynch you is advancing?


S-12 with an MD-20 with steel shot & shoot at the street so it fans up & hits several people at once. (this is where the term "street sweeper" in reference to a shotgun came from)




At any rate, chances are, shit tends to start popping off when you don't expect it, so a concealed pistol on a proficient person at all times & faith in the Lord is one's best bet IMHO.


+1 to heath...

Always best to look inconspicuous.

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