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It strikes me that if everyone who hates Trump and everyone who hates Hillary all voted for Gary Johnson

we would have our first Libertarian president.

If I remember right, he'd do the same thing hillery would do to the 2nd.



You've got that wrong. Johnson is a staunch Constitutionalist.

Ha, his vp choice is very anti guns.

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Hmmmm.... let me consider my options.   1- Vote for some schmuck who doesn't have a prayer, but I'll feel good while I cast that ballot because I don't like Trump.   2- Vote to keep hillary out of

Come on folks. This is not the Rebublican Party's fault. (Well actually it is) But let's cut the crap. The Republican Party didn't select Trump as their nominee, PEOPLE, who associate themselves as Re

This election comes down to one single issue, the Supreme court. Trump has released a list of people that he will appoint and they all respect the constitution. Hillary will without a doubt appoint th

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The media is riding this pussy thing until the wheels are about to fall off, yet the rate of new likes on his Facebook page have gone up 200% faster this week than they did last week.


The blue collars seriously don't give a shit over this.

Anybody else getting sick of listening to all this "fake" Liberal outrage anyway about Trump's locker room language? rolleyes.gif


Not condoning what the man said, but the Left thinks that Amy Schumer talking about having anal sex, giving blow jobs, and having some dude "put a big long one up inside her" is funny somehow.  Non funny Samantha Bee isn't much less vulgar sometimes.  I know both of them are not running for the office of President, but the hypocrisy of the Progressive Left is astounding somehow. mad.gif


Don't even get me started on what was said by them about Sarah Palin when she ran.  Trump is supposedly such a misogynist, but I even remember Progressive women referring to her as a "dumb cunt," "dumb snatch," "stupid tit", etc. and Trump has problems with defiling women?  Not taking into account here how they thought it was funny to refer to Trig Palin (Bristol ("the slut (according to them also)") Palin's) kid as the "retard" baby.


Give me a freakin' break you Progressive Left hypocritical crybaby loser assholes. anger.gif

Edited by Gaddis
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I've always found stories of the illuminati and free mason's interesting, but more in an entertainment sense. When you see how bias the press has been, the way things have been presented and manipulated this whole election cycle in the back of my mind I can't help but wonder if there really are those with the power to steer things as they please. Just another reason to cherish the 2nd amendment horror.gif.  I hear you loud and clear Gaddis.

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I've always found stories of the illuminati and free mason's interesting, but more in an entertainment sense. When you see how bias the press has been, the way things have been presented and manipulated this whole election cycle in the back of my mind I can't help but wonder if there really are those with the power to steer things as they please. Just another reason to cherish the 2nd amendment horror.gif.  I hear you loud and clear Gaddis.

Soros is one of those powerful enough to destabilize nations on a whim. He's done it before.

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Totally agree. I have resisted posting in political crap because it just ends up infuriating me, and that is no way to live. I am curious though. We all know that the MSM is in the tank for the Democratic Party. We know that they will ignore every damning email that comes from Wikileaks about Hillary Clinton, while running negative story after negative story about Trump. (Don't believe me just check out the news icon on your Apple phone). We also know that the media lies and manipulates information to propagandize the American people for the left.


I say this because I don't necessarily believe that Trump has lost a lot of support because of his comments. I think that is what the media wants us to believe so that people will despair and stay home. But I do believe more and more people are seeing the media for what they are. If I were Trump, I would not even do the last debate unless the moderators were specifically put under gag orders, because we all know it is going to be 2-3 people from the left wing media debating Trump rather than Hillary Clinton. Instead I would go out on the stump and talk to the American people about jobs, immigration, and putting America (that is its citizens) first again. That is a winning message this election cycle.


FTR I really do not like Trump. He is not the man I would choose for the job. However like a majority of other Americans I am sick of elitist politicians who care only about themselves, and I am sick and tired of the media who are even more elitist than the politicians. It is time for a major shake up on both sides of the aisle....and that is why Donald Trump may just be the perfect man for the job.

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Hey Everyone:


I think that at a fundamental level it boils down to this:


Trump is for America.

Hillary is against America. 


Trump wants to serve.

Hillary wants power. 


Trump doesn't have blood on his hands. 



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Trump is not "for america"

Trump does not "want to serve"

He sees dollar signs at the end of the tunnel and a chance to put himself and other extremely wealthy business elite in even better position to prosper in the future. That's it.


Hillary is pure toxin for this countries roots.


You don't become a presidential candidate be it left or right, because you love this country. You become a candidate to expand corporatism and control. The 2 party system all but guarantees that.


Trump. I can't believe this is the best the Republican Party could muster up. What a joke.

I seriously foresee 4yrs of HRC coming up.

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Trump is not "for america"

Trump does not "want to serve"

He sees dollar signs at the end of the tunnel and a chance to put himself and other extremely wealthy business elite in even better position to prosper in the future. That's it.

Hillary is pure toxin for this countries roots.

You don't become a presidential candidate be it left or right, because you love this country. You become a candidate to expand corporatism and control. The 2 party system all but guarantees that.

Trump. I can't believe this is the best the Republican Party could muster up. What a joke.

I seriously foresee 4yrs of HRC coming up.

The Repulican party let Him In . This is the problem

You had more than enough good people running that could have run a better campaign

Come on folks. This is not the Rebublican Party's fault. (Well actually it is) But let's cut the crap. The Republican Party didn't select Trump as their nominee, PEOPLE, who associate themselves as Republicans chose him. That is folks like you and me. Whether this is good or bad choice is yet to be determined. The Republican Party is responsible for his nomination in this way...the Republican Party has not stood upagainst one agenda of the Obama Administration. First they needed the House, and we gave it to them (they had power of the purse). Then they needed the Senate, we gave it to them. Still nothing has changed. The Republican Party has ensured this revolution from their base by not doing the very things that they promise every election cycle, but fail to deliver. Things suck. I understand that, but I won't let cynicism kill my joy. Besides if things are rosy, what in the heck have we all been prepping for? :)

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Hmmmm.... let me consider my options.


1- Vote for some schmuck who doesn't have a prayer, but I'll feel good while I cast that ballot because I don't like Trump.


2- Vote to keep hillary out of my safe and bank account (vote for Trump).


3- Stay home and pout like a child, maybe get drunk while I'm acting like an idiot.



This shit isn't rocket science.....

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Another way to look at our situation is that unless the election doesn't happen we will have a new president. Unless someone dies, it will be hillary or Trump. I want to be a part of not electing hillary and therefore I will happily vote for Trump, just to be voting against hillary. People, never underestimate the power of ignorance. There are more suckers than well informed individuals and if we do not unite we will fall. The morons have us surrounded and they have figured out that is they vote a certain way they will get free shit and you and I will pay for it.

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Hmmmm.... let me consider my options.


1- Vote for some schmuck who doesn't have a prayer, but I'll feel good while I cast that ballot because I don't like Trump.


2- Vote to keep hillary out of my safe and bank account (vote for Trump).


3- Stay home and pout like a child, maybe get drunk while I'm acting like an idiot.



This shit isn't rocket science.....


Summed up very nicely.  It sucks, but it is what it is.  Fuck Hillary.

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Hmmmm.... let me consider my options.


1- Vote for some schmuck who doesn't have a prayer, but I'll feel good while I cast that ballot because I don't like Trump.


2- Vote to keep hillary out of my safe and bank account (vote for Trump).


3- Stay home and pout like a child, maybe get drunk while I'm acting like an idiot.



This shit isn't rocket science.....


Summed up very nicely.  It sucks, but it is what it is.  Fuck Hillary.

The way I see it is there is too much as risk to be operating in "I have a point to prove" mode. I shudder to think of what our Military will be reduced to, among many other very critical things. I have a feeling that when the reality of hillary strikes, assaults on The Second Amendment, increased taxes on people who actually work, increased obamacare effects, an emboldened isis, and an even weaker and further disrespected Military, the point-provers will wish they had a do-over. The point I want to prove is, pardon my phrase, "Fuck you, hillary. Go away, no one wants you, not even your husband". I hate to be harsh, but that is exactly how I feel about her.

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What I think most of America has missed is that what he was talking about("When you're a star, they'll let you do anything...") was quite true about the upper echelon of society where wealth and power permeate the landscape.

But it would also rightly spotlight Bill, so it won't be talked about in the mainstream.

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This election comes down to one single issue, the Supreme court. Trump has released a list of people that he will appoint and they all respect the constitution. Hillary will without a doubt appoint the most liberal judges possible and the court will be stacked with un-American cronies. If you think the Republicans can or will even try to fight Hillarys appointments you are wrong.


If Hillary wins the second and first amendments are GONE period. Nothing else matters. A vote for ANYONE other than Trump is a vote for enslavement.

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Trump - BFYTW




Everyone kind of shrugs off the rigged polls not knowing the first step in rigging an election is to have polls before hand that show the intended result.

No faith in Trump but those people behind HRC and the DNC are just pure evil. Imagine what they will be like with all that power.


The real mistake was creating an office that held that kind of power but meh who thinks anymore... the government deserved is incoming.

Unfortunately not everyone deserves it. 

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Another way to look at our situation is that unless the election doesn't happen we will have a new president. Unless someone dies, it will be hillary or Trump. I want to be a part of not electing hillary and therefore I will happily vote for Trump, just to be voting against hillary. People, never underestimate the power of ignorance. There are more suckers than well informed individuals and if we do not unite we will fall. The morons have us surrounded and they have figured out that is they vote a certain way they will get free shit and you and I will pay for it.


Exactly. I heard someone put it this way,(I forget who) "It's not so much about electing Trump as it is about stopping Hillary from being elected." I would have to agree for the reasons you mentioned, among others.  

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My Grandfather told me " Boy, there may not be anyone you want to vote for but there will be things and people you will want to vote against. "

God bless him for his advice and God help us now that we have arrived here. We could have had a better Republican ticket but it does no good to fantasize now. My decision is made and it is time to follow through on it and vote what I believe will be the best choice for the country and it's future. Sod the media and the shills, unless someone can show genuine irrefutable facts I am done listening to the tripe being spewed out 24/7.

A quote comes to mind:

                                              “How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!”



And if you don't vote, you actually have voted for the worst possible outcome.


Vote your conscience and beliefs as best you can. We have been offered little to work with but we are obligated to do what we can with it.


Want better choices for the next round? Keep these two quotes in mind.


                                          “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”


                                        “The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a                                       fair inheritance  from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present            

                                      generation - enlightened as it is - if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.”



Samuel Adams said many things that we should still take to heart today.   


No more preaching, apologize for doing so but I've said my piece.

Edited by The Deacon
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My Grandfather told me " Boy, there may not be anyone you want to vote for but there will be things and people you will want to vote against. "

God bless him for his advice and God help us now that we have arrived here. We could have had a better Republican ticket but it does no good to fantasize now. My decision is made and it is time to follow through on it and vote what I believe will be the best choice for the country and it's future. Sod the media and the shills, unless someone can show genuine irrefutable facts I am done listening to the tripe being spewed out 24/7.

A quote comes to mind:

                                              “How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!”



And if you don't vote, you actually have voted for the worst possible outcome.


Vote your conscience and beliefs as best you can. We have been offered little to work with but we are obligated to do what we can with it.


Want better choices for the next round? Keep these two quotes in mind.


                                          “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”


                                        “The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a                                       fair inheritance  from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present            

                                      generation - enlightened as it is - if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.”



Samuel Adams said many things that we should still take to heart today.   


No more preaching, apologize for doing so but I've said my piece.

Very, very well-said; both by you and of course Congressman Adams, a personal favorite Patriot.

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Sam Adams, by far the more consistent in defense of liberty over his more famous kinsman, (the sedition acts just cannot be explained away), would be all but lost if not for whatever form the liberty movement has taken over the years. It can be shocking to realize how ignorant the populace has become of their own history.


Ignorance cheats the mind of the joy of knowledge and the defense against evil truth provides.


Which explains a lot really

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